
I saw a lightening bolt the past two times I blinked?

by  |  earlier

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It was dark in the room with the TV on, and I blinked and when I opened my eyes it literally looked like a lightening bolt touched down in my room lol, and then it happened again. Kind of like when you stare at a light for too long and you see colors, except in lightening form lol. Do you think it was from the TV, or could it be because I'm tired?




  1. T.V i bet..

  2. Its an omen you are either 1 going to die 2 you are clinically insane 3 you have eye problems or 4 you have been at the computer too long...

  3. It was most likely the t.v. unless your that tired and are seeing things.  

  4. It also could herald the coming of a migraine head ache, if this persists see your DR. as this could also be signs of a detached retina. or something else.

  5. both probably

  6. both

  7. idk thats kinda wierd though.

  8. Both !!!!

  9. Must be what they call "floaters"

  10. Take the Acid...put it down.

    ta freakin' da

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