
I saw a man on vacation??

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A couple of years back I was on a family vacation staying in a Holiday Inn. My kids stayed at the hotel with my parents while my husband and I went to Target to get diapers.On our way back into the hotel we were walking towards the doors to enter the hall and you could see the elevators. We entered the doors and as we entered there was a man waiting on the elevator he entered and the door closed as we approached. I never go into elevators with people I wait for the door to close then hit the button to wait for the next ride. The door opened immediately and the man was gone.We entered the elevator and I didn't say anything to my husband I just made a weird face and he said I saw him too. I was like omg. I never believed in anything like ghosts or psycics before this happened. Has anyone had any similar experiences because when I told my parents they think we are nuts! Why would I lie?? Cmon! What is there to gain!




  1. Of course there is an emergency door in elevators.  But what would a perfect stranger gain by pulling that kind of stunt on a random person?  It doesn't seem like a set up.  It is what it is.  Like another person likes to say if it looks like a duck.... Cool story to tell your kids.

  2. you saw a ghost,i am a ghost hunter, and have been for 5 i don't even tell people of the things that i have seen.or will see.because people are really scared of things they can't they will belittle you about this subject.i have proof that ghost excise.your not nuts.

  3. Wow Im going to sleep with the night light on tonight

  4. He probably got off quickly at the next floor and the elevator came right back to you before you even realized it.

    Mystery solved!

    (Or maybe he jumped up through the roof opening of the elevator.)

  5. I think that is awesome you had someone to validate your experience. I wish I could say the same.

    EDIT: Your story reminds me of something. Last summer, I  saw on the news, about an IL family on vacation. The wife and husand were fighting all morning. While the wife was in the condo kitchen she heard the screams of her son while the husband threw him over the hotel room balcony, 15 stories up. Then she heard her daughter's screams as he threw her over. Lastly, he jumped off the balcony. So I guess its safe to say that spirits may haunt hotels.

  6. Yes I had a similar experience.I was at the family business and it was early in the morning and it was still sort of dark. I went in the store and saw a man scoping ice from an ice machine. I was only there to use the phone but I worked as a cashier sometimes. So I started to make a phone call and since the cashier was busy I thought I would charge the guy for the ice bag. In a second the guy with the ice bag was gone. During the time I was dialing the numbers he disappeared. I looked around the whole store including the bathrooms and he was no where to be found. I was able to look at his clothing , he had boots,levis and black and blue stripped shirt.But I wasn't able to look at his face though because he was facing the ice machine. My mother was in her car right in front of the only exit and I was very near the exit so there was no way he could have gone without us noticing. When I asked her about the man she said that no man had exited.Too bad the camera system wasn't installed yet.After the cameras were installed some inexplicable shadows have been filmed.The motion detectors on the cameras are triggered when the store is completely empty.  My dad has had several experiences there too. Other employees too. But It has been decreasing as time passes though.

  7. no experience, interesting story tho!! :)

  8. that is a very interesting story. I believe you!

  9. I'm sorry but i don't believe you , i can't help it sorry .

  10. Thats crazy!

  11. that's weird, are you shore it wasn't your husbands reflection

  12. edit: oh okay i didnt understand what you were saying at first but now i understand. i believe in ghosts. i have them in my house actually no lie and im not the only one who sees them here. it scares the p**p outta me.

  13. ^ GIT R DONE: "i have proof that ghost excise [sic]" ... May I see your proof? I like to make decisions based on evidence and, unfortunately not too many people have actual proof of spirits and whatnot. I will not ridicule you if I do not agree with your evidence. I am simply curious. You can email me (from my profile) or post it here. Thanks!

    To answer the question, no. I haven't had an experience like that. I've had times where I've witnessed something that scared and confused me for a moment, but nothing that I would call otherworldly or paranormal. But there is something to be gained by stories like yours... a good story! You now have an interesting story to tell others.

  14. That is so wierd and sooo cool at the same time and i think its awesome that you most likely had an experience with the dead or a spirit.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. This often happens. There is show on tv called "Haunted Hotels". I love the show, but would never stay at one. lol

    People come and go in hotels. Plus you have to think about the land it was built on.  

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