
I saw a post last night and had a question about it?

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The question was deleted, but it was one of the answers that I have a question about.

Some one said that all spirits/ ghosts are demons in some form pretending to be your loved ones and such. So if you see them don’t believe them because they’re not who you think they are.

Is that true?

I’ve known about harmless spirits, are they demons too, or was this guy full of it? Or is it just one belief system?




  1. I don't believe that, I am religious and I still don't believe that. I think most spirits are in need of help crossing over or don't want to leave. I've seen some shows on demonic activity and I believe some of those are real. But I think most spirits are harmless, good spirits, maybe in visitation.

    But as a Catholic I have read in the bible where it says Test the spirits.

    Sooo. If you ever happen to see a spirit/ ghost or apparition of some form you should say something like:

    " If you do not love Jesus or want to be in his loving presence then leave this place in his name"

    Spirits, no matter what everyone else says, do know about Jesus. If they leave, perhaps it was a bad spirit, demon, or some one too afraid to go to the light. If they don't leave, start talking to it, they might be safe.

    It is also said that a demon can not say " I love Jesus" So you might also want to ask them to say that.

    People believe many different things, there will be a whole group of people annoyed with what I've said here, but if it's a demon you should abolish it before it can do anything.

    There are a whole bunch of prayers for this, binding prayers and other types.

    But most of the time the spirit is a confused spirit in need of help.

    And sorry if my religious stand point offended anyone.

  2. A lot of that is based upon religion and one's personal beliefs as well

    * People are entitled to freedom of religion or free opinion in my book :) *

    ! My Grandpa comes to me all the time in dreams and does weird things around my grandmother's house! So i don't believe that personally and our team has never ran across a demonic haunting only  heard thoughts and theories plus 99% of the times we investigate homes and businesses  we never run across a claim of a demon in their home or signs of demonic activity based on the theories of demons.IN MY OPINION*  When you pass on i believe you have free will to come back and do amongst to what you please (such as visiting and earth travel) plus if it sometimes your dealing with your family everyday as a possible haunt they might be besides what i had :

    Person , Place, or Thing Favoritism - attached to something and can't let go and follow it around, bonded with it.

    Unfinished Business - They stay here until they get their goal or thing they did not do in life complete.

    Sudden/ Unknowing death-  lets say you got shot in the back of the head just walking down the road and didn't know it or you were about to get murdered and went into shock right before you died , you probably would still go on thinking you're alive because you didn't know you were dead.

    BONDED TO EARTH -  Not wanting to cross over due to scared of what is on the other side or just not wanting to leave.

    Just Theories* Thoughts Opinions and etc. from our team to try helping answer your question

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  3. Well, I'm not going to say that guy is full of it, but that's his personal opinion. I'd honestly like to know from where he bases an opinion like that. I've come across some very loving spirits in my time. From my experience, you are in spirit as you were in life, so yes, there are going to be some unsavory spirits out there. But no, I do not believe that all spirits are demons in disguise. All of the spirits I've run across were just souls stuck between here and there. I happen to attract children, scared lost children.

  4. It is all based on personal belief and societal bias.

    there is no way to definitively prove either side of this.

    an example of how compex this is, .. try asking people to define demon .. see how many different answers you get. then consider that that person said all spirits, etc are demons ... what kind??

    See how it is all personal belief?

    Don't let anyone tell you what to think/belief you were made/created as a smart individual!

  5. Consider the following...


  6. There is no such thing as ghosts.

    In fact there's $1 million (US) waiting for anyone that can prove there are.

    Many people apply, nobody even gets to the testing stage, and the "professionals" won't go near the challenge.

  7. Is it true? Well, that's really a religious question. You'll get different opinions from people based on their own individual belief systems. Spirits and demons aren't amenable to the kind of testing that is needed to take something from the realm of religion into that of science or concrete fact. So take what you read with a grain of salt, and believe how you feel you want to believe.

  8. I think that may just be his belief system.  I've encountered mean ghosts, sad ghosts and mischievious ghosts.  Never have I felt I was in the presence of a demon.

  9. I don't know if this is true's just something I heard a long time ago..that what that person said is what Jehovah Witnesses believe. If I'm wrong...hopefully someone of that religion will correct me. As for my beliefs..I know I've been deceived by spirits. I don't know if all of them were deceitful or not. I know that some were.That's why I try to warn people to use their common sense and be really careful in dealing with them...especially if they tell you to do things. I listened to a lot of teaching that said it was the Holy Spirit guiding you and to do what He says...And then when I got into trouble...(not trouble with the law) you think any of them helped me or even stood by me??? NOT !!! Now I don't trust church people anymore...or spirits.

  10. as a young kid , I was raised to believe this way , ( Christian roots and all ) but who's really to say ...

  11. I suspect that granting the existence of demons that a demon could have the power to pretend to be the ghost (also granting existence) of anyone.

    I am aware that many Christians believe that all supernatural activity is demonic (from the devil) and only miracles of old were from God,. Modern day miracles would also be considered the work of the devil.

    Many Christians do not share the above opinion.

    However, I say if the devil himself wishes to show up in the form of my beloved relatives that have passed on and comfort me during times of grief and offer me helpful advice on life's situations that is exactly in keeping with the advice and personality that my relatives would have offered then I welcome his help.

    I'm not sure why a demon would do this (perhaps to anger the devil). Perhaps the devil likes to show God he can help people to or something?

    Ghosts, Demons, Doctors, Accountants, Lawyers, or anybody else should be judged by your own standards of does what they are saying make since to you and does no harm. I wouldn't listen to bad advice from a demon, a ghost or a medical doctor.

  12. Who ever posted that has facts confused,a demon can manifest itself to you in a way that it does not seem harmful ie...a little child...a elderly is trying to gain your trust so it can move on to bigger things as in taking over you house,a loved on,your life.It does this because thats how it draws energy is from you and the atmosphere.there are good spirits as well as bad. In my investigations with demons i have run across foul smells,dark shadows,heavy air.As far as ones with good spirits it has been sweet smells,good feeling in the area of activity like nothing is wrong.There are demonic entities,poltergheists,angelic entities,residual hauntings.There are many different types of spirits,not all are demons.

  13. It may have been me that submitted that answer. Although it is a matter of religious conjecture and faith, the Spirit of Truth--the Holy Spirit--has convicted me that all spirits other than angelic ones are truly demons. The bible is extremely clear that the dead are not permitted to return nor contact the living in any way, shape, or form. Jesus himself in Luke 16:19-31 told of the eternal destinies of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus. Both men were concious and aware although separated by a vast chasm which neither could cross. Because the rich man was in eternal suffering, he wanted to be permitted to return to warn his brothers to lead righteous lives but was categorically denied. There are many other scriptures that support this spiritual law. The dead may be completely aware of their destinies but, even so, they have nothing to tell us that we cannot learn from the Word of God.

    The Word is absolutely and unequivocably clear that the unsaved dead are in a dark and uncomfortable place, and the saved dead are with God, both awaiting the Day of Judgement. Neither can return to the land of the living. But angels and demons (or fallen angels) can and do.

    The truth is that there is no such creatures as ghosts, poltergeists, shadow people, spirit guides, and ascended masters; all these are merely demons in various manifestations and disguises. Because they are like their father satan, they are masters of manipulation and deception and can assume many forms--including those of our dearly departed. God is very, very clear that any spirit that presents itself as good, harmless, and benevolent, but is not an actual messenger of God (i.e. an angel) is a demon.

    I believe this to be the Truth, not as i know it, but as it is. So, how can one confirm this spirtual truth for themselves ? Any spirit or being, no matter how gentle and loving it seems, eventually gives itself away by it's very actions. Angels always bring messages in intercession between humans and God. They will always direct attention away from themselves and to the Creator.

    Demons, on the other hand, no matter how loving and gentle they appear, will always eventually contradict the Word of God, and draw attention to themselves. To be clear, if a spirit manifests before you and tries to tell you it is, for instance,  an evolved being from another  plane of existence, you can be certain that you are dealing with a demon because the theory of reincarnation and multiple states of being are in direct opposition to the Word of God. Obviously christians who know the scriptures are more qualified than others to make this distinction.

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