
I saw a scarey movie!!!!! Need ways to cope!!!!!?

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i saw prom night and im totally freaked out, how can i make myself not be scared at night?????????????? :/




  1. Try not to think about it. Watch something funny on TV and DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT. Focus on other something really fun, so that you will forget about it. Go shopping with a friend or to an amusement park so that your mind is on other things.

    Good luck!

  2. Uhh, why were you even scared of the movie?It's not even scary! It's just a plain movie with cheap jump scares, so the producers can cash in.But hey, since you asked a question, I guess I'll answer the question. You got two ways: 1.Keep telling yourself how poorly made the movie was and why were you even freaked out by it or 2.keep saying 'it's just a movie'

  3. Its only a movie... just leave the night on or the TV. Just think happy thoughts or maybe even read a nice book.

    Dont worry, dont let your mind get the best of you. Just dont think about it

  4. Eat some yummy ice cream!!! :)

  5. i have it, but have yet to watch it... now i want to even more!!!!!

  6. Here's what I usually do

    1. Watch a non-scary movie (like Love Actually, Galaxy Quest, etc.)

    2. Grab your pet (like I have a dog and cat. I usually grab my dog because she is big and cuddly!)

    3. If you need to, turn on a night light. I usually keep one just in case ;)

    4. Grab a stuffed animal to snuggle with (if my dog won't stay I grab a big stuffed animal :)

  7. Watch a happy movie :)

    No, the thing I do is run when I'm in dark places.

    Oh, and I always tell myself that monsters and evil people don't like the light, so turn the light on wherever you go.

  8. watch tv something funny!

  9. I used to get scared easily so if I were you id try my old method, everywhere i went, i would always turn the lights on, eventually id see there was nothing to be afraid of and it went away.

  10. Try to think that it was just a movie.  Think about the plot: the dude was after her for a long time and knew her and was arrested before hand.  If none of this has happened to you, then it wont.  besides, anyone can get into a prom, but not anyone can just break into a house.

  11. don't worry. ur safe. just remember that ur safe in ur house. prom night is a stupid plot anyways. maybe leave ur light on or leave ur tv on. do activites to take ur mind off of it. maybe watch 40 year old virgin or any steve carrell movie. or superbad. try not to think about it. think about the next day and don't be reminded by the movie. next time try not to watch a scary movie.

  12. OMG I love that movie! Me and my friends watched it at 1:00am yesterday (well this morning XD)! just keep telling urself its okay, sleep with a light on, watch funny movies/tv shows.

  13. Don't watch any more torture p**n. It's a lame genre anyway. They don't make real horror anymore. Watch some good horror movies, like, for example, any of the "Re-Animator" series.

  14. call up sum1 named hope...i bet it`ll make you laugh!

  15. That is actually really funny....I watched Prom Night last night too, and i was really creeped out by it, so i know what you mean. Just don't think about it and remind yourself that it's just a movie....It's not real...None of that happened. That has worked for me all day!

  16. haha that movie wasnt scary!! ok if your scared sleep with your tv on mute when i watch a scary movie like halloween i kept my tv on bc it showed some light in my room or just watch a funny movie after it and you will forget about it

  17. no teacher is obsessed with you! why are you scared!!!!! no ones coming for you, i promise.

  18. Watch a funny movie.

  19. I turn on CBN Christian t.v., or christian radio, that calms my nerves. Or just turn on anything funny. Go to sleep with the t.v. on, so you have some light too, just turn the brightness down. You will fall asleep in no time. I think it is wrong to watch certain movies. Evil spirits can come from it, just like good spirits come from watching christian t.v. Protect your mind next time,and learn from this. I just don't watch them anymore. And my children our never allowed to watch scary movies.

  20. watch any adam Shandler movie.

  21. Get a crush on the killer. =)

  22. what i do to not get scared is go online and watch "the making of the movie you watched' in my experiance seeing that the entire thing was just made really calms me down

  23. watch forgetting sarah marshall!!!!!!

    ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    inside of you........

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