
I saw a woman putting on makeup and driving is that ok?

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Really driving slower than speed limit and holding back traffic badly because she was applying mascara on her eyes.Do you think that is ok or what do you think?




  1. eh. people do it alot and it makes me want to shoot them with a paintball gun. that';s how alot of accidents happen by people being distracted while driving.

    that and the whole cellphone growing from the ear thing.

  2. I'd like to say to people stupid enough to put make-up on while driving:  if you get in an accident, your make-up is not going to make you look a whole lot better!

  3. No, only if a woman is a passenger in the car is it okay for her to be applying make-up.

    People of both sexes need to focus on their driving, and stop trying to multi-task from behind the wheel!

    God bless.

  4. No, its stupid and that kind of inattention to the road is what causes wrecks.

    I have seen something even far more dangerous...a woman in the car ahead of me changing clothes while driving.

  5. Anything or any activity that a person does while driving a vehicle posts a risk both to himself/herself and other people. Every driver would do well to be reminded of his/her responsibility that goes along with the license that s/he carries.

  6. oh no, it's not okay at all, because it is very dangerous and also blocking the traffic badly.

  7. This is just as dangerous a driving while talking on a cell phone. It takes your attention away from what you should be doing and that is paying attention to the road and the cars around you. This along with talking on a phone, reading a paper, shaving should be outlawed.

  8. No, that woman was an idiot. Driving is not a time for make up, shaving, reading, talking on a phone, or writing. It's a time for DRIVING. This woman was a serious road hazard and she should be thankful she didn't crash and hurt somebody. Unfortunately she probably won't stop this reckless behavior until she does :-(.

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