
I saw an ad for paid surveys?

by  |  earlier

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but i can't remember what it was.. it was in a seventeen issue a while ago? it was like "make extra money!" and gave a link. does anyone know what it was? or, if u have any other legit payed survey link or watever then that'll work =]




  1. I agree in today's internet society a lot of scams exist. I have never had true day after day success with online surveys. I rely more on Internet marketing and promoting others people products. No overhead and you can promote for large sites like, amazon, eBay and a dozen others.

    Internet marketing is the true way to make extra money. I have been successful for many years now. Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go, let true time tested results show you how to make extra cash.

    this site is all about internet marketing and what is expected in order  to make a lasting income online. We give one on one coaching and support.

    To your ongoing success


  2. I remember someone asking about that oner here a while ago but i dont know. You can try these, they are free. They will pay you in money or paypal cash for doing their paid surveys. There are about 7 listed on this site with a description of what to expect from each. Ive joined all of them and they do me well.

  3. Not a clue which ad it is, but I use the below two sites to find out which companies to sign up with for paid surveys

  4. I agree with Janice- most paid surveys are scams and a few may be legit.  However, you have to realize the most important thing.  Although you can find a legit paying survey company, you are giving your information away to strangers.  Most of the time, these companies use your info and can do unwanted solicitation to your email, house, by mail, etc.  So just be careful who you choose to give up your information to.

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