
I saw an object in the sky tonight around 8:45 MN time. It looked like a really bright star, but disappeared!

by  |  earlier

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I was going for a walk and my daughter pointed it out, it was super bright, and only took a few seconds to fade away to nothing!!! what was this?!!




  1. Probably an Iridium flare.  The Iridium satellites are used for satellite telephone service.  These satellites have large solar panels to power them.  These panels reflect sunlight real well and if one is looking in the right direction, you will see that flash of light glinting off the solar panels of the satellite...hence the name Iridium flare.

    If you go to the web page for, you can see the times that are good to see more of these flares, or even see the space station or other satellite pass over your area.

  2. New World Order vehicle.

    Think more along the lines of extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":


    If you just HAVE to believe in ET, they have something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    "Aliens" just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

  3. Probably Jupiter, if you saw in in the southeast. It's partly cloudy here in MN tonight, so the planet was hidden behind a passing cloud.

  4. I hope Eri is correct but it could also have been a planes landing lights. Landing lights are very bright and a plane that's far away and comming directly towards you could often be so bright in contrast you wont see any other lights on it. It can appear to not move since its comming directly towards you.

  5. Sounds like an iridium flash.  It's sunlight reflecting off the panels of a communications satellite - you might see a few a night if you know where and when to look.  They brighten quickly in a few seconds (10-20 sec) and then fade out quickly.

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