
I saw into the near future?

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I was talking with one of my cousin's who 15 like me and lives far away from me. At the moment it was a kind of silent moment and I had a strange feeling that I would end up saying, "I had a dream with some Taylor in it." The weird part is I knew that he would say "Taylor Van Rite by chance?" So I tried not to say the dream part, but I felt like I had to for some reason. I said it and he answered exactly like I thought he would. I vaguely know that Taylor, but I wouldn't think of him unless my cousin brought it up. I never had a dream with any Taylor in it, so I don't know why I even thought of it in the first place. It felt like deja vu the whole time, but I knew what was going to happen before it happened. Is there any scientific explanation to this?




  1. Theres no scientific explanation, and to be honest, if there was a scientific explanation, I doubt you'd want to hear it( I wouldn't). Its happened to me also in the past but it had to do with the death of a family member.  I saw the wreck in my mind then later that day, it happened.  I was extremely young and didn't think that seeing the future was anything significant at that time.  Now I know diferently.  The only thing I can tell you is to enjoy your gift while it lasts and dont take it for granted.  Every once in a while I'll see something before it happens, but not as often as I did about 7 or 8 years ago.

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