
I saw lightning...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so today there was a blue sky with bright white clouds that have no white like you wouldn't tell that there would be no storm and there is lightning going on what is happening??




  1. a storm is forming?

  2. heat lightning.

  3. You question is hard to follow because there is little sentence structure and almost no punctuation.   But, I would think it would be an 'electrical storm' as in a dry lightening storm.  There is something going on in the atmosphere, and it may be raining or storming at a high altitude that you cannot see.  I don't understand your cloud color generally I don't have any comment on that portion.

  4. It's because of the heat.

  5. the sky's falling.

  6. It's a signal of the martians from Mars!

    Run to the shelter!

    Just kidding.

    I don't know.

    Sometimes it rains all of a sudden, even when it is sunny...

  7. no such thing as heat lightning.  what you saw was lightning from a storm in the distance

  8. it might be haet lighting i sometimes happens wahe it is extermentaly hot or sometimes just a little warm also it dosnt always have to be storming for lighting to strike it happens quite often but we dont always realize it here check out this link it can help you out

  9. the world is gonna end!

  10. that happens sometimes. usually is a predictor that a storm is coming. that's what happened here yesterday. just random lightning. and then a while later we got poured on.

  11. It's a lighting storm it happens when it gets hot out.It's basically like a thunder storm with no rain.

  12. u saw what i think is called ball lightning, it can form pretty much anywhere at anytime except in houses, it can even form in planes. but there dont have to be any clouds or anyhitng, but it can not hurt you at all

  13. heat lighting... i love it

  14. Heat lightning maybe.

  15. I dunno I will just start rating now.

  16. Was it very hot out? There is a phenomenon called "heat lightning". I've only seen it at night with a clear sky, but its possible you could've noticed it during the day.

  17. Are you sure it was lightning? It's possible that something just happened I don't know, maybe some idiot is putting on fireworks during the daytime (they've always looked like lightning to me in the light)

    If you were looking ahead, maybe you saw a storm miles away and just have really good eyesight

  18. hmmm, maybe we are from the same area, because i noticed the same thing. i think its just nature at work


  19. dry lightning. The atmosphere can still build a very large static potential without the motive driving force of rain and humidity. It just requires some good air currents and a temperature differential. There could also have been a storm past the visual horizon that caused it. Lighting can travel laterally for over ten miles in some cases before contacting the ground.

  20. heat lightning,

    dont stand too close!

    or else it will burn your face off! :O

    just kidding of course, but its fun to pretend lol

  21. If it is really hot it could be from heat.  That happens.

  22. When it was as HUMID as today you should always expect rain. Don't worry. It only lasts like 15-30 minutes.

  23. A transformer could have blown up, literally. they make quite a flash

  24. <--- future and current bad singer

    CB's (thunderstorm clouds) usually are white to begin but turn dark from rain.   Sometimes they are by themselves and look impressive against a blue sky

    The lightning is merely visible because of your position to the storm.

  25. Well weather changes alot .

  26. if it was hot outside then it is just heat lightning. It just happens.

  27. well if u live in ontario or anywhere around it it was cuz of that huge storm

  28. Alien invasion!

    lol, no, but I don't know the scientific name. Heat lightening if its very hot where you are.

  29. You don't need rain for a lightning storm.


  31. It's probably just static in the clouds; that happens a lot here.
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