
I saw manbearpig yesterday, that must mean that global warming is here?

by  |  earlier

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  1. sure whatever you say

  2. Don't you think it's just the liberals trying once more to hoodwink your mighty intellect?  Hillary in a manbearpig costume or something?  Don't fall for it!

  3. The first manbearpig of spring.  Soon all of the skeptics will be going out to build nests and find mates.

  4. Gee I've never heard that one before.  You're freaking hilarious.

  5. I have been searching for man bear pig every where, and I have yet to spot even a glimpse. I think man bear pig is a lie.

  6. I think that means it is here.  I'm super serial.

  7. You got some bad weed, man.    Make sure they don't mix in any tomato leaves next time; they're poisonous.

  8. I think that any creature that is half man half bear and half pig is clearly a threat to the world as we know it.

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