
I saw my brother and sister making out again!?

by  |  earlier

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After what i saw on the weekend (they were making out in my room), i went to talk to them and said it was wrong.

So mum told me they were in the Shed, when i looked in, i saw theme making love, i accidently threw up on them because it was so gross!

my 19 year old sister making love with my 23 year old brother.

Totally disgusting, after that i talked to them and they promised to stop it but i dont believe them!

What should i do?




  1. Say  this problem to your mother

  2. honestly, tell your bro and sis that they need professional help. cause thats not only disgusting, its not very healthy

  3. that is just wrong they need help i mean seriously that is so disgusting

  4. 911 report incest case.

  5. OH MY GOD!!!!

    it's not just gross u said it is ur BRO AND SIS u have to talk to ur mum they need serious HELP

  6. Incest is wincest... next time you catch them together ask if you can join in.

  7. Yeah, this is really gross.

    I suggest that you talk to your mum or if you dont have the guts, make her read your questions or leave her a note.

    But she has to know, then maybe she will be able to talk to them and make them understand how wrong it is to do that.

    You have to tell her, otherwise it might get worst, and one day(not try to scare you), they might make u get involve in that stupid thing!

    Please do talk to your mum or dad!

    good luck!

  8. omg omg

    tell your mum about what their doing! make them see this question on yahoo and make them realise how grose it is and how socially unacceptable it is! not to mention cus of insest they would have like 'retarded' kids!!!

    do all of the above and also try and hook a friend or someone up with your brother  and sister so they can see other people and not each other! This way hopefully they will have a commitment to other people and will forget about each other and not make out etc!!!!

  9. ewwwww get them a date!!!

  10. That is Plain Sick..They need professional help. Seriously..

  11. You can get them checked into a metal health facility for these actions. Talk to your mom it may help them plus it would separate the two. If not show them a bible, it is clear in Leviticus and Deuteronomy that incest is wrong and against God's and human's laws.

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