
I saw my dad's boyfriend hitting on my mom's wife, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want them to be heartbroken :(





  1. You should tell your parents, before both of them end up heartbroken. It may seem like a minor thing...but it can lead to bigger complications. So honestly, I think the best thing to do, is to let your parents know what you saw... =)

  2. Dad&#039;s boyfriend... Mom&#039;s wife... Some weird family.

    Report him to the police.

  3. All Rightee then. OMG LMFAO I had to read this one twice.

    Okay, Just tell them All to keep their hands to themselves.

    I do believe Yours has been the best question ever!!! I give you a star.

  4. Tell them!  Maybe if your dad breaks up with his boyfriend and your mom breaks up with her wife your parents will get back together!

  5. Sounds like you have most of the ingredients for a really interesting party.

  6. You should write a book.

  7. Dads Boyfriend?

    Mom&#039;s Wife?

  8. I knew we were related the day we met..

  9. LOLOL... This is why everyone loves you... you can bring a smile to anyone&#039;s face... lol

  10. I&#039;m surprised how many people thought you were for real.  

  11. who cares, your family seems messed up already. Why complicate the situation even more?

  12. contact fox television, dr phil, or jerry springer. there may be a way to profit from this. by the way, if you need a good agent, you know where i am.

  13. Are you really sure that he was hitting on her?  Was she really responsive or was it just a one sided pass?  I would be very careful before running around spreading gossip about something that may not have happened or may have resolved itself.

  14. Maybe your Dad is your mother and your Mom is your father or you could be the product of any of the two halves who tried to make a hole.


  15. ewww!

  16. Read them the end of Romans 1.

  17. Wow, that really happened?

    Umm... I don&#039;t know. I would want to know if I were your mom or your dad. It&#039;s up to you.

  18. Sorry, but if this question is for real, then maybe your whole family needs some counselling.  It would be interesting to see the other questions you ask.  I&#039;m sure they are as equally entertaining.

  19. WOW! what a mixed-up, crazy world we live in, eh?

    Call the cops. That&#039;s assault and battery.

    Whatever happens, your mom&#039;s woman doesn&#039;t deserve to be beaten, by anyone....

    And your dad&#039;s bf shouldn&#039;t be hitting people... even a 3-year old knows that!

  20. Confront them and tell them that they should go back to their beloveds. Or, you could film them doing the hanky-panky and threaten to show the film to your biological parents. Or, you could ask them to rope in your parents to play twister or something. The possibilities are endless.

    There could be a movie deal in it for you, if all of this is real.

    If all of this is made up, kudos to your imagination. You could still end up being a writer in Hollywood.  

  21. Tell your Dad, as his relationship is not far along. There must be better men than this worm. Your Dad deserves better - right? It will be difficult - but best.

    Your Mother, and her wife should not have this stress. Or you either.


  22. wtf??? so both of your parents are homosexuals and this guy ur dad&#039;s dating is straight now? omg...i think i misunderstood. sorry

  23. Well I saw my boyfirends wifes girlfriend hit on my dads boyfriends mom&#039;s cousin&#039;s girlfriend, that kind of stuff happens

  24. What? So both your parents are g*y and their significant other is hitting on one another? What a conundrum!

  25. I think that not only are your relationships here pretty compicated, but that this doesn&#039;t really belong in Religion/Spirituality.

    Unless you seek guidance of faith.

    In which case I ask you to pray to the Lord to help guide you and choose the right path.

    Things will turn out how He sees best.

    Alternatively, I don&#039;t think you should involve yourself, because if nothing physical is happening, then you can&#039;t be proven right.

    And then you will be accused of being a troublemaker and only trying to get your parents together

  26. You should tell your step father to be and step mother to knock it off before they hurt your parents.

    Or, let it happen, and can you say reunion?

  27. I would tell your transsexual aunt and see if (s)he couldn&#039;t step in and take one of them away for the weekend so that then maybe your mom and mom could work things out., or something like that.

  28. Seek out competent mental health services so that you can avoid the MIND-level conflict of these adults.

    Of if just being foolish, think before posting that which is painful to people whose lives are impacted by such mental illness.


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