
I saw my dog drinking from the toilet, but there was p**p inside the water! Will he die?

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  1. I doubt he will die, he may get an upset tummy. It would be a good idea to flush the toilet so he can't do it again.

  2. no, my dog always eats the c**p in my cats litter box

    o and by the way

    flush the dam toilet blech  

  3. omg flush your toliet.!

    i doubt your dog will die.

    but seriously come on flush your freakin toliet.

  4. no he wont die! but seriously, that is ******* disgusting! =)

  5. No

  6. GROSS!  He'll be fine but make sure you flush the toilet from now on and close the lid.  The only way he could be harmed is if your toilet has one of those things you put in the tank to clean the water like those blue things that turn your water blue (although there are clear ones too!).  If there was chemicals in there, call the PET POISON HOTLINE which is 1-899-213-6680 and if he starts to look sick, get him to a vet ASAP.  I'd call his vet in the morning and just doublecheck because even though I know A LOT about dogs and was a vet assistant and I breed, train, and show them, I'm still not a VET!  I think he'll be fine.  The smaller the dog though, the more dangerous.  Big dogs seem to be able to tolerate unhealthy things better.  GOOD LUCK!

  7. Oh God, flush your toilet!  He probably won't die, but I doubt it's health.  Flush the toilet and put down the lid.

  8. yuck always flush the toilet, thats disgusting!!

    I don't think he'll die

  9. dont worry, some dogs eat their own p**p, id be more concerned about the toilet water then the actual p**p. thats actual kind of funny. your dog will be fine, all and all.

  10. LMAO, are you serious? of course he won't die lol

    just flush it, disgusting

  11. No he won't die but flush it or keep lid down.

  12. Oh, god don't you flush your toilet when you or your family members leave the washroom? Well just don't think that I am trying to be rude about the leaving thing but do flush your toilet from now on and I don't think your dog will die but he might get sick so take him to the vet right away!

  13. I've caught my dogs eating rabbit p**p outside, I think as long as you don't have those things that change the water color or any other type of freshener in their it should be fine.

    Flush from now on, and if your dogs likes to drink from the toilet, keep the lid down in the future.

  14. probably not going to die.  Probably will have a real crappy disposition for a few days.  

  15. Dogs will EAT p**p..  a little p**p-flavored toilet water wont hurt him.

    If you use chemicals or cleaners in your toilet (expecially those little drop-in or hanging things) those are far more likely to make your dog ill than a little p**p will.

  16. no.  When my youngest son was being potty trained we let him run around naked, one day he pooped on the floor, after I ran him into the bathroom to the potty I came back and the p**p was gone and my dog was l*****g his lips (gross) but he never got sick from it and that was 10 years ago and my little boston terrier is alive and kickin.

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