
I saw my ex! =(?

by  |  earlier

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Yesteday my husband and I ran into my ex at the mall when we were shopping for a crib for our new baby. My ex yelled my name across the store and my husband stayed behind. I walked over and he asked why me and my brother were shopping for a baby crib. I told him Kevin was my husband and that I was pregnant. (he saw my belly, he just isn't very nice.)Then he threatened to sleal my baby if I didn't break up with Kevin. I told Kevin and we are thinking of reporting him but we don't know what to do?

Please help us! =)




  1. I'd call the police. If nothing happens again then that is great! But if he does something else you'll have a legal report of his threats.

  2. call the police. But first of all respect your current husband. You shouldn't have met the ex without his presence. I think the ex shouldn't have talked that way in front of your husband. You could avoid him totally. There's no problem with that except you want to keep his  friendship which will do you no good. He is an ex and let all be ex why suffering that fear now, call the police .

  3. You can report him to the police, but they will tell you they can't do anything because:

    - He didn't do anything. What he said is just words.

    - It's hearsay, your word against his

    - when he called, you went over and talked with him

    Did you tell your husband? Any husband should be able to put a stop this this quickie quick, and I don't mean by violence.

  4. Call the police and tell them what happened, they can give you advice or tell you what can be done.

  5. When he said he threatened you to break up with you husband, this just means he still loves you. You should talk things over with your husband and if it gets worse i think you should then report him.

  6. police

  7. d**n call the police.. he sounds like a jackass.. who would wanna steal someone elses baby?  thats dumb

  8. File a police report just in case he does try anything or you run into him again and he makes more threats.

  9. Why wuold he do thatr? i thought you guys broke up. well i think you guys should talk with each other, your husband you and the guy. if things get out of control, that might be the time when you should report him. maybe he was on crack or something when he said that.

  10. YEA report it NOW....

  11. How old is he? ;-)

    It sounds like he is really immature. Honestly, if he threatened you I would file a police report. It's probably just an empty threat, but you can never be sure. It would serve him right anyway the b******e that he is to have a cop knocking on his door.
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