
I saw my guppy lay about five eggs?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know how much she really had seeing that I wasn't paying attention. I didn't even know she was pregnant. She is the only female and there are 6 males. The eggs were kind of transparent and now I have lost track and don't know where they are. Would the males eat them? What do I need to look for to find them. Should I take the female out (seeing there are so many males...I don't want them to all have a turn with her and hurt her)?




  1. lolololololololol guppies don't lay eggs, they give live birth. Are you sure you don't have tetras? make sure you either remove the eggs or the fish as tyhe tetras eat their young.

  2. here's your problem, guppies don't lay eggs, they do live births... are you sure you have guppies?


    I have never in my life seen a guppy do what you described... I have seen tetras and danios do that though...

    I have never seen a guppy abort her own babies for they absorb them into their bodies. I have read this in many many books,

  3. guppys dont lay eggs they give birth to live fish , if she did  the eggs wont suvive i dont think

  4. guppies don't lay eggs-what you saw was her aborting her undeveloped fry at the egg stage. it's cruel to keep one female with 6 males-you should have at least two females to every male as the males will harrass the female and stress her, which leads to illness and even death-her aborting the eggs was a sign of how stressed she is.

  5. Lynne r is correct. Also, some livebearers will lay eggs for unknown reasons, and the fry can hatch and survive, but it is VERY VERY rare and very unlikely to happen. Also, if she did indeed lay eggs, then they would most certanly be gone by now, eaten by all the other guppies

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