
I saw my son and his girlfriend making out naked?

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Today when I came home from work, I saw my 14 year old son and his girlfriend(same age) making out half naked in my son's bedroom. I don't think they had s*x but I'm not sure if I can trust my disrespectful son or his S****y girlfriend. I called her parents too and let them know about this. But what would be a good punishment to give to my son? He's too young to be doing this kind of stuff.




  1. he's 14 wat do you expect woman! ur just lucky they werent having s*x! and it isnt right for you to kall his girlfriend a s**t! if anything people could be saying the same about you! you wouldnt like that now would seem so uptight hes gunna have s*x whether u like it or not whether u think he's too young or not just raise him to be responsible and make him realize he has to deal with the consequences of his actions

  2. Obviously you need to have a talk with your Son...!

    Pushing him won't prevent him from doing it again...

    You really need to talk to him and explain to him everything detail by detail..

    GOOD LUCK !!

  3. I think it's time to sit your son down and explain to him the "birds n bees". You should also throw in somethings bout respecting a woman (girl) and her body.

    You should be understanding too though. Tell him when he's ready to have s*x, you won't judge him. You'll take him to get condoms and anything else (lube, spermicide, etc.) that he may need.

    Because, honestly no matter how much you talk to him about it, he's still going to make his own decisions. If he wants to have s*x, he will. So here's the question I present to you:

    Would you rather know your son is protected from STDs and unwanted pregnancies or find out a few months down the road that you're going to be a grandparent?

  4. chill out ...let him do what he wants and if something happens (the girl gets pregnant)ur not going to help him

  5. If they were in the house alone, it was probably going to happen. And how is his girlfriend S****y? He was performing the act, too, wasn't he? It's hormones. You went through it, so will he. Instead of blaming the girl, which most moms do, talk to him about how he feels and be honest about the amount of respect he needs to have in your household.

  6. As a teen, I was in the position of your sons "S****y girlfriend" not too long ago.

    My mother made sure that I was not home alone.

    Make your son do volunteer service or get a job, this will not only teach him his actions are wrong, but it will also build his character and make him more responsible.

  7. Think birth control

  8. Sucks for you mama. Well you need to have serious talk with him about s*x then. If he thinks he's grown enough to be naked in a bed with a female then he's old enough to hear about std's, pregnancy, etc. If i were you i'd scare him out of havin s*

  9. Well first off, try not to panic or blow up. that will just make him shut down. Try to remember how you felt at 14. He's in to girls and curious about things (obviously). I think you should sit him down and, calmly, ask him about what happened. Tell him you feel he's too young to be getting that involved with girls. but also talk to him about protection. you won't always be there to catch him and it's important that he understands how serious having unprotected s*x is and what the consecuences (sp?) could be, i.e. STDs and/or pregnancy. Ask him what he feels would be a fair punishment. He may surprise you and offer a really good one, then he'll be more apt to follow through with the punishment without complaining. Whatever you decide to do, don't yell scream and tell him how 'stupid' he was for doing that... it'll just make him want to defy you and do it again. Good Luck

    Also, don't call his girlfriend a s**t. That's an aweful thing to say about a girl. He's just as guilty as she is and you wouldn't call your son a s**t would you? They're just curious kids, they don't deserve those kinds of names.

  10. "How do you not leave your 14 year-old child alone"? Seriously asking that? Put him in an after summer school activity/program. OR you NEED a nanny, a neighbor, someone, there with him when he is home without parental supervision. Not only s*x, but getting into alcohol, having small 'parties', smoking... it all starts with having no one there to answer to. if he's already disrespectful and has a S****y girlfriend... well, he's not a 'mature' 14 by any means. Anyway he's proven he needs some guidance with his choices and actions already. Good luck! :)

  11. hun im sorry but how can you call that girl S****y without calling your son the same seeing as they both commit the crime. i would tell your son that if any thing like that ever happened again that his gf would be out of the picture. hes still a little kid any way

  12. Don't punish your son for doing what comes natural. You left them home alone, what did you expect?

    Educate him about s*x and protection. Do your best to encourage him to wait a few years at least, but punishing him only gives him the message that s*x is bad.

    Teens have s*x, the only true way to prevent problems is education.

  13. I think what you should be focusing on is how you can make sure you son is informed on the right way to do things. Not in the action it self but being protected and informed on the consequences of the actions that he's doing. At that age, he is going to fool around with girls, thats obvious. I agree with you that he's too young to do this but its going to happen whether at your house or some where else they find.

    I would talk with him, or have his dad talk to him about s*x, pregnancy, protection, etc to make sure he knows whats happening and what can happen if he's not careful.

  14. If you try to ban your son from seeing her it's just going to make the situation worse. If I was in that situation he would be grounded for at least two weeks and she would not be allowed to the house unless there is an adult present. If your work schedule is a problem then take him to a grandparents house or somewhere supervised. Last if they want to do it they will find a way. Give your son a pep talk about having s*x and make sure he has condoms if you cant prevent him from doing it the least you can do is help him protect himself. I just have to say I think you are a good parent, you know hes to young and you are trying to do the best thing for him. I wish other parents cared that much.

  15. Um, don't ground him for what is only natural, unless she wasn't allowed in the house and he disobeyed you. Kids age faster now, I plan on talking to mine before age 11 or 12. There are oral s*x parties going on across the country for 13 and 14 year olds! Be a parent, have the talk. Even with the 'talk', still outright tell him he should wait to have s*x... if he hasn't already. Even if he rolls his eyes at you, it will sink in a little. And supervise the children!

  16. Me being the around the same age as you son but 15, i  feel bad for giving a parent a punishment, but its good you called her parents my mom would've freaked and like sent me to an all girls boarding school(No lie) but take things away like cell phone, internet, and tell him if he gets caught breaking the rules again your going to get him a babysitter. Thats what my mom would do she wouldnt letme stay home by myself. Or let the neighbors watch out for his girlfriend coming over? Because you know their probably watching anyway(My neighbors are SO nosy) ask them to call you if they see her come over? I dunno thats the best i could do.

  17. that's pretty young. not good. you're right he's too young to be doing this kinds of stuff. top or bottom naked? tell him how dangerous std's are especially HIV . maybe supervise them more. more strict. discipline is good.

    set up hidden camaras? my dad did that to prevent thieves

    (yay i'm first now! hahaha sorry)

  18. Probably have a talk about birth control because you aren't going to be able to  stop it.

  19. obviously dont leave him home alone. you should have the s*x talk with him because he probably isnt that well educated on the subject. for most teens who are pregnant or have a girl friend who is pregnant then its a high percentage that its the childs first time EVER having the s*x talk with their parents. warn him about STDs and make him watch a couple videos on teens going through pregnancy. my aunt actually made my cousins watch adn research about all sorts of that stuff lol. it will freak him out real fast ;). hope i helped

  20. O.<

    give the kid a question is "how are your parenting skills leaving them alone?..."

    thats what teenagers do...explore...jeeze....poor kids...up tight mum.....*sigh* get over it!

  21. God, you're dumb. Yes, you are.

    That's exactly what 14 years old do -"dry humping" as you called it, because they have the urge but don't know how to scratch it.

    It's ok to tell your son to be careful -nobody is suggesting an unwanted pregnancy because of momentary teenager craziness would be cool. But "a good punishment", just shut up. It's you who deserve to be punished because of such prudish, stupid mentality.

  22. well, i'd ground him..

    maybe put in one of those security systems that logs when the doors are opened.

    my parents got one even though im not really a troublemaker but just incase, they were able to leave me for a weekend by myself and not have to worry.

    try to put your son in some sort of volunteer work or job like someone else mentioned. that way, he's in a public place anyways and doing something productive.

    if it helps, i'm 15.

    my mom would freak out if i did that.

  23. Slap the h**l out of him and then talk to him about it

  24. You have to talk to im. And you have to chose the words what you gonna tell him. You cannot stop him with not leaving him alone. If he want he can found a way to do this. But first you have to stop telling her gf slutt and looking your boy pervert

  25. Ok so stop breath and count to three. Im sure that the girls parents wouldnt appreciate your calling their daughter a little s**t. Your son is no angel. They could call him some nasty things too you know. Thats not the way to go about it, this just makes you sound silly. So calm down. Im definitley not saying its ok what the children have done, but you shouldnt act like a crazy and call names.

    Well good punishment if you ask me would be for both of them to have to have a sit down with all parents envolved. This would be so embarassing for the two of them. You can let them both know how embarrassed you are of what they have done and how disrespectful it was to do this. Plus they really need to know about all of the consequences of having s*x such as pregnacy and disease. I would be fully prepared with pictures off the internet of all sorts of std's. I would literally scare the **** out of them if you know what I mean. This may sound harsh but I assure you that it will make a memory they will never forget. Can you imagine how hard it will be to face the parents of the girl/boy........they will be mortified.

    If you go about it by grounding him or not leting him see the girl anymore this isnt going to work. Thats a punishment for talking back or staying outside too late or not doing chores. You really wanna make this one stick for a life time because shes not the first "little s**t" hes going to get frisky with and honestly there is nothing you can do about it other than educate him and let me tell ya knowladge is power. You can scare him straight if you do this the right way. Do your self a favor and dont make this a battle you cant win. Im not saying tell him to go for it, but make it as unappealing as possible with strong facts, not by telling him shes bad or hes bad this just wont work. Good luck mama........really be calm cool and collective and it will all work out for you .

  26. It is very easy to answer this, don't allow her to be in his room with the door open. Don't leave the house while they are there. This was easy wasn't it?

  27. Pshh. All i can say... is if you punish him. They will go else where and do that  and MORE. Tell him you dont appriciate him doing that at YOUR home! Typical double-standard... the girl is a s**t cuz she was making out half naked but your son was and innocent angel that was forced? Yeah right. If shes a s**t then so is he, no offence. He is a BOY they will find more places, welcome to parent hood. Someday he'll have kids too. Trust me, he could be doing ALOT more. You cant protect him forever. Tell him that if he DOES chose too, cuz you cant stop him, to USE PROTECTION for goodness sake! Tell him to wait and blah blah blah.....

  28. Well he is a teenager and it sounds like normal experimentation as long as they are not actually having s*x just scare him with an underage and pregnancy talk so they dont take it further but I doubt they would take it further at that age. Dont call his girl friend a s... he is no better than her and a women should never call another women a derogatory name I understand this is hard for you but teenagers will experiment if left unattended so try to be home when he finishes school and have an open door policy - my Dad you to walk up and down the hallway tapping a rolled up newspaper against his leg to warn me he was coming and the door better be open! Sorry but your parenting duties are not over yet you need to be home to supervise.

  29. ummmm? what are you supposed to do yell at him? it will make him rebel more punish to him like a person not  a mom...well actually dont do that either im 13 and i hate it when my parents try to talk down on me like im 2 or something...i dont know what you can do anything you do will make him rebel trust me i no...but besides that i think that is wrong...and weird im 13 and im a christian dont believe in what there doing...i mean kissing is...ok...but thats just...i cant explain it but its weird all right...sorry i couldn't have been more of help to you but there is nothing that you can really do whatever you do to punish him he will just rebel and want to do that even more...

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