
I saw ribbons hanging from a tree at the Roman Forum, what do they mean?

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Last March I went to Rome, and in the Roman Forum there was a tree, and it had little white and red ribbons attached to the branches, I think there were also some little figures, like little horses with the ribbons. Does somebody know what this means? Thank you.




  1. I seriously doubt you'll find an accurate answer here.  Try a web search.

  2. At the Roman Forum... where exactly?

  3. It's most likely an early symbol of May Day (1st of May), which was a popular holiday in Italy, and is still celebrated by many there.  Like the masks of Festival, or the tree decorations of Christmas, these symbols represent May Day, which is a sort of period of dance and celebration for the coming of summer.

    There are many different customs and symbols for May Day across European countries, and even throughout Italy.  The main symbols of May Day are animals (specifically sheep, cattle, goats and horses), ribbons, fruits (especially lemons), tree boughs and flowers.  In Italy, much of the customary celebration involves the alberi della cucagna (trees from the land of milk and honey).  This is a greased up pole which men climb to try and secure various prizes for their ladies.  There are also many dances with ribbons, flowers, and tree boughs.  And children especially often enjoy the playing of ribbons and figurines and flowers as you most likely saw.

    I realize you saw this in March, but much like we put up Christmas Lights a month or two early in the U.S., holiday preparations can begin early for May Day in Europe.  Usually you'll see this more often in the smaller towns, but I'm not surprised by what you saw at the Forum.  I'm sure you were looking for something more special than that explanation, but I'm 99% positive that's what you saw based on your description.

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