
I saw some kind of flash in my room last night.?

by  |  earlier

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its really spooked me out, i was lying downstairs on my sofa with the lights out, i was getting ready to fall asleep and the whole room lit up with a flash.

i shot up thinking what the h**l was that, and looked outside, but it was definetly in the room because i have dark blue curtains up. i turned the light on and tested the rest of my electrics to see if it was an electrical fault and everything was working fine.

im a real skeptic when it comes to the paranormal, and i always call BS on people who make these claims, but this has really creeped me out.




  1. It could probably  just wanting to let you know it is there. Ghosts do that sometimes because they just want their presence known to people. If it happens again go look outside and see if there is any heat lighting, that is what I thought because heat lightning is freaking bright so it could have still came through the windows. Heat lighting happens when it is real hot and dry outside. We have it up here all the time even when there is no rain or thunder.

    Ask friends if they saw it to. That would clarify something but don't give up on the theory that something happened. You sure a car didn't pass bu or anything. I know that would not make the room light up but it could bring in a bunch of light.

  2. It could be static or quiet lightening from outside or like the other person said, you must have fallen into a deep sleep and dreamt it briefly. Don't scare yourself like that.

  3. Some say when you see a big flash like that it is something wanting you to know you are not alone and what to freak you out to feed off that..

    Keep a journal about when you see these, what is going on around you at the time and what is happening around you in your whole life and see if there is something you can pick out that might cause this.. Paranormal or not..

  4. My sister had the same experience a couple of times. Turned out it was her smoke detector!

  5. well it might have been one of these...........

  6. That was the aliens putting you back.You are a alien abductee.You were lucky to see the flash of them leaving.This happened to my neighbor too.

  7. i am sure it was just your imagination. you must have gone into a deep sleep

  8. If you have the new sort of energy saving light globe and slightly dodgy wiring for some reason every now and again the light will flash on just for a fraction of a second. My bathroom light does it.

  9. No! It's not paranormal! Something actually happened to the circuits. I forgot what it's it called in science... I already saw that a lot in tv programs and what cause those are failures in electricity...

  10. Spiritual awakening?!?!

  11. Call your local power authority and ask if there was a power surge in your area.

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