
I saw something strange in the sky. I live in Nashua,NH. What I saw might have been a plane.?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a strange circular disk, or a round tube like a probe or rocket. I know it wasn't an alien craft. It had small, straight wings on each side, and they went straight up in a short length at the end. It was silver in color. It disappeared into the cloud bank at some points. It looked somewhat high up, yet somewhat lower than what a plane might cruise at. I'm curios to know; can anybody tell me what it was?




  1. Did it look like this? (see link)

  2. Whoa dude, put the bong down. I mean, dude, to make some bitchin' guac, ya gotta start with some gnarley avos, dude!

    Can't help ya, and if I could, I feel if I answer this question honestly, I will be subject to harsh criticism for no reason whatsoever, beleaguered by non-colleagues, pasteurized, homogenized, folded, spindled and mutilated, so I'll pass on this one like an Audi A6 on the autobahn...

    Thing is tho, at least I have a contact address and peeps can ask me a question or insult me personally.

  3. I go to school in Nashua, on the airport actually, and am also a pilot, so I might be able to help you. There are 2 L-37's based on the field. They are fighter jets and can move at very high speeds. theres also 2 aerobatics planes, one is owned by rob holland, placed internationally for aerobatics. As for the circular object, I dont know, I have never seen anything like that. There was one instance where my friend saw 5 strange unlit objects in the area around northeastern nashua, closer to bedford but other than that nothing. How close to the airport do you live?

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