
I saw that jessica alba had her baby a few days ago. Do celebrities have babies who die @birth?

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so far i've only heard of rev.runs baby's death was in 2006.




  1. Being a celeb doesn't mean you can't have a baby die at birth or the mother can't die at birth. why do people treat celebrities like they're God. they are just people with a lot of money. and they hardly almost never carry their baby to full term. some carry the baby to 37 weeks and have a schedule C-section so that they dont get any fatter or stretch marks. they have the money to get liposuction right after having the baby taken out. so yes theres a better chance of them not having a still birth child because they schedule the baby to come out before it's time.

  2. I'm sure its just as common as with us "normal folk". There are less celebrities, so their chances are less. And in general, death of babies at birth is becoming less and less common.

  3. Anyone can have a child die at birth

    Just because someone is a celebrity, it doesn't give them speical powers 0_o

    Please tell me this wasn't a serious question.

  4. That can happen to anyone but face reality - they can afford the very best medical care where many of us struggle to keep any insurance on our kids.

  5. No the are superhuman! They can do such things

  6. it happens, just because they are celebrities doesn't mean anything

  7. Katie Segal who played the mom on Married with Children had a baby die in the womb. It happens to anyone.

  8. Well its kinda a rare occurrence and only a teeny weeny percentage of the population are celebrities....

  9. there is a chance for anyone to have a baby who dies at birth

    being a celeb doesnt make you immune to it

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