
I saw this person dancing or something?

by  |  earlier

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It was my first time going to a dance club and i seen this person like wiggling there bodie and rolling on the floor and waveing their arms like crazy and i was wondering is this a dance or was this person just retarded?




  1. crazy

  2. retarded. ha thats a good first time experience. :)

  3. its a dance my friend jess does that one at sockhopzz its rly funny looking but is soo hot

  4. Very immature use of the word "retarded" if you don't mind my saying so.

  5. probably both ;]

  6. St. Vitus' dance.

  7. most likely drunk

  8. I think now-a-days we call that a 'seizure'.

    did you atleast make sure they got home safe?


  9. Oh, that was just me.


  10. its a dance i think, but the person might have been doing it in a retarded way for sure!

  11. Sounds like you are the one with the problem

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