
I say the following is not adequate evidence of global warming. Is it or isn't it?

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Many scientists say these gradual geological and weather pattern changes are natural and should be expected.

WASHINGTON - The capital's famous cherry trees are primed to burst out in a perfect pink peak about the end of this month. Thirty years ago, the trees usually waited to bloom till around April 5.

In central California, the first of the field skipper sachem, a drab little butterfly, was fluttering about on March 12. Just 25 years ago, that creature predictably emerged there anywhere from mid-April to mid-May.

And sneezes are coming earlier in Philadelphia. On March 9, when allergist Dr. Donald Dvorin set up his monitor, maple pollen was already heavy in the air. Less than two decades ago, that pollen couldn't be measured until late April.




  1. no one really knows they just think they do but i say thats the way the world turns

  2. According to Purdue University, when a plant blooms is determined by a number of factors.  Check the link below.

  3. the cherry tree bloomed because the heat increased, thus summer came faster.

    again summer came faster in all the situatrions.

  4. No this is not sufficient by itself (e.g. what if it was getting colder earlier in the fall to balance it out?), but could be used as a part of a larger body of evidence.

    And yes, gradual changes in climate are expected. That does not answer though is THIS change in climate is natural or being caused or enhanced by man.

  5. Well, 25 years ago it was during the great "global cooling" scare.  It was during a cycle when the planet was cooling a little.  What about the 30s and 40s?  Were they blooming earlier then when it was warmer than today?

    By the way, i live in the Philadelphia area.  It is freezing up here.  They made the claim that it was 60 degrees yesterday, my thermometer must stop at 48.  Today, yahoo weather states it is 43, I still think that is exaggerated.  it feels like it is about 38 (even without the wind chill).

  6. Yep, the climates are starting to change. The seasons are changing at different times. Global Warming is here.

  7. no its just hearsay the trees could have bloomed earlier in the year for many reasons but there is plenty of evidence that we are causing global warming but this is not one of them.

  8. By the way, its called climate chane is posible but it is very dificult to say that it was due to climate change...there are many things that can effect this although if you did this study on a larger scale, like some scientist in england have been doing, you would find summer is stating and finishing ealier due to climate change probable IS due to climate change.*

  9. Clearly not, by itself.  The theory of AGW isn't based on a single observation, but on a mountain of observations from independent fields.  The earlier blooms of spring are just one (fairly minor) data point in a mountain of evidence.  On it's own, it doesn't mean much, but the collective evidence has convinced the overwhelming vast majority of pertinent (i.e. scientists actually working in or around the field of climate research) scientists.

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