
I scanned pictures and they accidentally got saved as tiff instead of jpg or jpeg how can i switch it?

by Guest56345  |  earlier

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i know i can switch it to jpg but i don't wanna have to rescan all the pictures and i'm off to college tomorrow...also i tried typing jpg in the file name and it worked cept i can't add them on facebook




  1. put the tiffs on the desktop, and paste the following code into notepad and save it as ---> all files and make the extension .bat when saving.

    Title Image Format Converter

    @echo off


    echo Desktop Image converter by Alex Staples


    set/p CHG1=Extension of current format:


    set/p CHG2=Extension of format to convert to:


    cd documents and settings

    cd compaq_administrator

    cd desktop

    md %CHG1%


    cd documents and settings

    cd compaq_administrator

    cd desktop

    copy *.%CHG1% %CHG1%


    cd documents and settings

    cd compaq_administrator

    cd desktop

    ren ?????????????????????????????.%CHG1% ?????????????????????????????.%CHG2%


  2. Do not just rename the file. Open file with MSPaint (usually in Start/Programs/Accessories) and click File - Save As. Select Save As Type .jpg .... and save the file.  This is for Windows OS only.

    The other way to open is to right click on the file and select Open With..and select Paint.

  3. Hello From the Tech:

    Simply Open any Photo program and Open the photo


    File > Save as and in the drop down under the file name change to jpg and resave the file to your documents.  The program will automatically reformat the pictures to the desired save type.

    Have a gr8 day,


  4. Somewhere in your scanner's properties will be a file format option, usually you can select JPG, BMP or TIFF.

  5. One way to do it would be to open the files in some sort of graphic editing software (photoshop etc.) and simply resave them from there as JPEG images.

    Another way would be to do a google search for an image format converter, I'm sure you can find some free ones.

    Good luck!

  6. try to rename it to .jpg

  7. Download Irfanview (google it).

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