
I scored an IQ of 137 on an Online IQ Test. Is this a good score?

by Guest32547  |  earlier

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According to some charts I've seen this is a very good score, apparently im in the top 1% of the country. But I've heard that online tests are unreliable, so what is your opinion. I didn't google any of the answers, they were all off the top of my head. Also, I'm 15, if that changes anything, though i dont think it will.




  1. 137 is an impressive iq test online quizes aren't the most reliable but it's near accurate. 100 is the average iq for ALL ages so your age wouldn't have anything to do with it. hope this helps :)

  2. IQ tests are pointless; on-line tests even moreso. Attempting to quantify intelligence to a single number is an exercise in futility. Guess what? You did well on a test. Yay you. Give yourself a pat on the back and get on with your life.

  3. Yeah, you're smart. Now do something with your intelligence.

  4. I wouldn't trust an online IQ test.

    I scored a 168 on one and I know that I have a 143.

  5. See if you can get an IQ test from school or from a psychologist. They are more accurate than those online

  6. I took the Stanford Binet test when I was in the fourth grade and had a 141 Genius level IQ. Online tests are questionable to some degree, I truthfully do not know how adequate or inadequate they are. There are also those who excuse all veracity of these tests, even in a professional setting. I would, however, definitely look into a test given at a university, if you would really like to know.

  7. 137 is great. You're included in genius section.

    I'm 14 this month, and my IQ is 143. So, I think, your age doesn't effect anything.

    Online test can be fake too, but mostly, they are real.

    Try to do some online tests, and see, if the scores are close, it means that the test is real.

  8. Online test aren't very reliable.

    I dont really believe that IQ tests can accurately reflect someone's intelligence, but if you got 137 for a quiz like that, I'd have to say you're probably smart:)

  9. I agree with the last guy. They are pointless, the only reason your score affects any part of your life is if a teacher thinks you are "gifted" like me (In my school district 5th grade is the cut off). In second grade I was given an IQ test, got 141 (140 is gifted) so since then I get out of a class one day a week all year long (last year it was gym! boo yah!) Also IQ has nothing to do with grades in high school. Yea I'm gifted but I haven't made honor roll since 8th grade. I have a bit of an attitude towards my teachers because they cater to dumb people tooooo much, even in honors and AP classes. Anyway, you're probably pretty smart even though I've scored 165+ (160 is usually classified as genius on those things). But use it, go to college, don't do drugs (like I USED too then I smartened up) and don't drink and drive. Sorry for rambling lol

  10. what you should remember is, the people who figured that test, also graduated in the last 30 years. what does that tell you?

  11. Rofl.. An IQ of 137 and doesn't even understand it.

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