
I scraped my knee on gravel... more details if you click on the question?

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I went bike riding with my friend yesterday at about 1. I fell and scraped my knee on gravel so we rushed back to her house and cleaned it up. I'm pretty sure i got all the dirt out then around 9 a clock we hadn't put neosporn on it for about 7 hours. It started like leaking and my friend's mom said it couldn't get infected that quickly andi t was probably just the neosporn from earlier. Is my knee going to get infected and if it does what do doctors do to cure it?




  1. Sounds like the same thing that I did when I was a kid and it healed without any infection.  Just keep it clean and medicated and I am sure it will be fine.  A doctor wouldn't do anything else.

  2. Anti-biotics. But sometimes wounds just leak fluid thats not blood, like pus. Its just you're body healing. Don't be worried unless it swells up and/or turns a weird color.

  3. that sounds like staff. You should def see a doctor like in the next 3 days or so.

  4. it was probably just puss, have it covered if your out playing but at night it needs to breathe so take the bandaid off at night

  5. If you keep it washed, it shouldn't get infected.

    If it leaked blood, it was just the clot splitting. The skin on your knee is very stretchy and has to be due to the bending of your leg. The wound starts to clot up after a while to stop excessive bleeding.

    If that was pus, or a clear liquid, then you might need to pay more attention to it. Call the doc if it swells and is red or is green.

  6. Well the stuff that is coming is discharge. You need to go to the doctor so they clean it put some cream and will wrap the wound with a cloth  

    and you will be fine.

  7. Antibiotics. clean it up and put a clean dry dressing on it.

  8. to prevent it from getting infected, apply peroxide to it using a cotton ball. it will burn really bad, but will increase the healing time and kill any germs that may cause infection.

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