Alright..I run varsity cross country, and I have since freshman year and I'm in 10th now. it's really hot where we live so we have the option of running in the morning.
2 other girls and I, were running in the morning before school this morning and we ran 5 out of the 6 miles we were suppose to.
Coach was behind us..and the other two girls told me to tell coach that we didnt run the 6th mile...he was PISSED.
He couldn't even speak to us. Reason we didn't run the full: we were on a straight away, and we had about 10 mins to get ready for school AND take a shower so we didnt THINK we'd have enough time to run back.
It's weird..last year we ran 5 miles at most and now we are pushing 6+ daily :/
I really don't want coach mad at me so do you think writing him an apology would be alright?
And of course I'm going to try harder now..
but please give me tips.