
I screwed up!*again*

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Ok, well, let's just say that I'm not the favorite in my family and not many of my relatives act like they like me. For instance, they're always calling me names and putting me down. My grandma is mad at me because I want to go to a Military college and join the Marine Corps. She thinks that I'm chosing a life where I'll be shot at all of the time and she thinks that it'll be stupid for me to do that. Anyways, today my grandma and my mom were looking at a photo album and she says,"You use to be so cute...what happened?" and I am so fed up with people always picking on me! So I say, "I could say something mean right now'. I meant I could say plenty of things like that to her, but since they're mean, I'm not going to. Well, she was yelling at me and she thinks that I only love her when she buys me stuff! My mom got really mad at me and I feel like I did nothing wrong, but I can't talk to anyone in my family because they will either blame it on me or they won't take itseriously. I'm sick of it! Obviously, they aren't going to change, so I'm trying to. But how can I change my ways just because others dont like me? Also, someone will say something hurtful to me, and if I say something back, I get in trouble! So what can I do? I'm going into High School this year and I want to make a new start. Thanks.




  1. Your family expects a lot from you, first you must take it easy, relax, think very very consciously what you really want, if Marine Corps is what you want do it!!! if not try to discover what you need, what do you expect from yourself, what is it that you like, and forget about what otherss want. Sometimes to get what you want you must surpass many obstacles, including from those who love you, they may not understand it now but in the future maybe they will, but if they dont, just dont panic be strong and keep fighting for your ideals.

  2. I don't necessarily think you have to really change yourself. Just adjust. I know its not the easiest thing to ignore hurtful things but just be the bigger person. I myself do not have the best temper but biting your tongue helps a ton. Your mom and you do not really have a connection. talk to her. tell her how you feel. help her around the house. Try to go a couple days with out asking her for money. when they say you used to be cute and what happened to you just say you became handsome. I know its hard but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    oh and about the military thing

    try to avoid the conversation for

    now  because its causing

    unnecessary problems

    just wait til you graduate

    high school .

    Hope it works out <3


  3. When they say things that hurt say "thanks that will make me stonger oneday" and leave it alone. If someone saids you were cute when you were little what happen? Say I grew out of it. Do not let them know they hurt you. I grew up this way and it has made me relize that most of them are just jelouse. Leave the future plans out of the conversations for now and see who remembers in a couple of weeks. This will show who was listening. I hope I helped you out alittle bit. Good luck.
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