
I see 11:11 almost every day. Are the higher beings trying to tell me something?

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Along with 11:11 I also see 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 2:22, 1:11 but not all in the same day. What are they trying to tell me?




  1. well the 11's are numerologically a psychic person, 22 is psychic leader (ya missed that).  Maybe the numbers mean whether it's "your day" or not, depending on if it agrees with your numerological number. No, nobody is trying to tell you anything.  Wait...maybe the chinese makers of the clocks are trying to tell you something.

  2. They are telling you not to be a clock watcher.It makes your day less productive.

  3. Your staring at your clock too much.

  4. You may just be aware of these particular numbers and you notice them more than you usually would. I wouldn't think too much about it because this doesn't seem to be any kind of symbolism or communication.

    I don't know what or which "higher beings" you're referring to. Personally I think it's safer and wiser if people stay away from trying to contact entities like that ('guardian angels', 'spirit guides' etc.) because we really don't know what we're dealing with.


  6. i see 4:20 everyday, anybody have any doritos?

  7. There are no higher beings.  So nothing.

  8. nothing.  thats just when you think  to look.

  9. I bet you also see 4:29, 1:45, 12:14, etc. but you only remember 11:11 because it has numerical significance.  This is what's called confirmation bias.

  10. Could be that you're trying to tell yourself.

    All those types of numbers (where they are repeating as such) are master numbers or triggers.

  11. My step-son notices clock number patterns like that, too.  I don't think there is any significance or meaning to it, but it sure is a strange feeling when it happens to you consistently, isn't it?

  12. As long as you keep thinking you will see 11:11 every day, you will continute to do so. Think about something else. Or think about someone else besides yourself.

  13. What higher beings?  No, what you're seeing is coincidence filtered through confirmation bias. You're remembering all times that you see a string of same digits and disregarding all the numbers you've seen which doesn't fit this pattern.

  14. "They" are not trying to tell you anything.  If they want to get a message across to you, they would send you a dream for you to figure out.

    You, on the other hand, seem to notice patterns in numbers.  Are you an accountant or some financial analyst?

  15. they are telling you to not be so supersticious and unrealistic. probably just a coincidence? lol.

    idk i think 11:11 is the only one of signifigance. make a wish when you see it if that's what your into...

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