
I see apparitions and i have a physical sense when a ghost is around

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i used to live in a 368 year old house and i used to see shadows of people and here when a spirit comes around i feel like i have ti cry whats up with that c**p?




  1. whoa no offence but most of those answers were disrespectful and not helpful. if you can see, hear, feel or otherwise sense spirits it does not mean there is anything wrong with you and there is nothing to be afraid of. ghosts can sometimes be unfriendly but generally they cant physically hurt you. if you feel like you're going to cry every time you're near a spirit then you may be empathic, and you're feeling the spirits grief. this means that you may be connected enough to them to help them pass on. if you don't want to be involved with spirits you can tell then to go away, but i cant guarantee that it'll work. if you can accept it then you may find that its a great gift. Good luck and *Blessed Be*

    you are welcome to email me if you have more questions :)

  2. Go see a psychiatrist. You have hallicinations. People are still using and living in centuries old buildings constructed by the moguls and British. No ghost lives there.

  3. Ghosts are not real, get some sleep. Your mind plays tricks on you if you don't get enough sleep.

  4. Its probably some form of mental illness or a health related problem check things out with your doctor.

  5. I kinda no what u mean

    u just cant let it control you

    alot of it is parnaoia and mind ****

    so just dont think about it alot have friends over to help u get your mind off of it

  6. Your not seeing Ghosts you are seeing demons. You need to Pray In Jesus Name. Ghost do not exists because when you die your soul goes right to God to stand before him and give account. Demons fool allot of people because they appear as good when their ultimate goal is evil. Don't be foolish and believe that people actually walk around after death as Ghost.

    Pray to Christ! Also, whatever you do don't have conversations with them. Never in scripture are we told to have discussions with spirits or demons. You need to rebuke them in Jesus Name since you (or anyone) has no power on their own. There is power in the name of Jesus!

  7. Dear Mini,

    I understand and believe in what you have been facing and feeling. And to understand your feelings, some insight into the Lives in various forms is very much necessary, which cannot be done without having a direct interest in the subject.

    We find it fully described in religious texts of any Belief, where ancient sages and dedicated scholars, who had more vibrant foresight and spiritual intellect, had for the benefit of the mankind, came out with some superbly analysed texts in the form of Upanishads, Ten Commandments, the holy Kuran etc.

    There you find every detail of THE LIFE, its purpose, its origin, its passage through different births until the goal has been achieved, its equation with other numerous visible and invisible lives, the duty of the mortal man, the AMORTISATION of the enlightened soul on achievement of DIVINITY, the ways and means to achieve enlightenment, gains and benefits of enlightenment, the problems and struggles and difficulties on its way, and so on.

    For your convenience, I am taking contextual excerpts from these texts :

    (1) The "Physical" body is bound to die, as and when its purpose is over, because it is formed with five ever-transformational elements viz. Fire, Soil, Water, Air and Life from universe (sky for layman) , and is a "facilitating carrier" which retains the unserviced desires / misdeeds of the previous births, and unless these deeds / desires are reduced to NULLITY, through ENLIGHTENMENT / KARMA / BHAKTI, the soul (which is "detached and dormant" portion of Super-Enlightened ALMIGHTY, will have to assume new lives, birth-after-birth.

    (2) The uniqueness of the Human life is that it can indulge in accountable KARMAS, while other forms of life (animal, plant, organic or inorganic elements) are not privileged enough to engage in KARMAS, unless they have the divine blessings, to come out of shell and to so endulge, which is rare and few, though there have been descriptions of some instances in our Holy Upanishads.

    Such lives have been explained as BHOGA YONIS (to bear the result of their past deeds), which means that the theory of re-birth is true.

    (3) In the event of death (of human or any other living being), there is allowed, in terms of Universal Rule, a time gap, which enables the faculty of SUPER MEMORY in the soul,(i.e the 5th element described above) to come to terms with the balance position in his Account, which is updated (and which had remained suspended / disabled throughout his just expired human form. This form of life, when the ultimate Divine Duty for LIBERATION (MUKTI) is re-awakened, the soul begins penancing for another chance to gain a Human Birth, because it is the only gateway to MUKTI (Omnipotent and Omnipleasant Divinity). But, until this penance is accomplished and accepted he has to wait, or have another cycle of BHOG YONIS (re-birth as animals of various descriptions or lower-order LIVES, depending upon the gravity or intensity of his deeds / misdeeds).

    (4) There are two stages, one immediately after the death, and the one after the awakening of SUPER-MEMORY but before the re-birth, because birth / re-birth takes away that faculty. There is a period during which the soul roams a supposedly black (dark) corridor described as PRETALOKA, which enables the expired souls with some power to get his unfinished work done through "other carriers" by sheer dint of his good deeds to his credit (if any). It is just the period where super-memory has not yet been re-awakened, and the memories of physical life just expired and its material pleasure, remains intact or becomes more intense, that the soul takes the form, which is described as BHOOTA / GHOST (means the Past). With its unthinkable semi-almighty powers (because it is no more bound by physical limitations) it can bring numerous miseries / tragedies, but for the timely and saviourly intervention of other BENEVOLENT forces (described as Lives from more sacred PITRA LOKA), a higher-order SOULS, with their overwhelming powers of good deeds, who are just awaiting human rebirth to get the chance to square their account, and gain Mukti.

    (5) We, the human beings are least privileged, to look into the INVISIBLE world, then our counterparts in the Animal & Plant Kingdom have. They have their sensual faculties closely directed to the unfolding forthcoming Natural events in the form of calamities or bliss.

    Why ? Because their super-memories are not wholly disabled, simply because they are undergoing the traumas of Bhog-yoni (Penances), their faculties are partially enabled to let them understand and remember the relevant / related deeds and misdeeds of previous births.

    Now talking about your problem, you have got nothing to fear. It is most natural that the dead souls do not leave the place of their activites / aspirations (during human phase), until they are re-born or liberated (through good deeds). In fact, 6 -7 % people among us are blessed with this faculty to sense the presence of invisible souls around them. They are there not to harm you but (if possible) to help you through various methods to pay heed to the inner-voice of your conscience in all your activities. It is our inability to recognise their language and intentions and that's why we fear their presence.

    Anyway, if you want to get rid of such feeling, you have one option, to move out of that house, and get a newly built one. Do not move into an already-used house, because there also you will face the same thing, because of your super-developed senses, if anyone have died in that house unlamented, you will feel his / her presence.

    Alternatively, you may get holy precepts from Bible, Kuran, Gita etc (according to your belief) capsuled in your locket which will save you from any supposedly harmful advances from these invisible forces.

    Wish you all the best.

  8. spirits are very real just ask them what they want also ask Jesus to protect you in all his ways pray thank you Jesus for loving me and protecting me in all you ways for you are the one true god love me and keep me and my loved ones  from harm

  9. While I have heard (and occasionally come across) some of

    the material that Shiv Kumar Kaul (above post) has

    referenced...there are a couple of things that may be pertinent

    to you if you're in an urbanized area of the West.

    There are occult shops listed in the Yellow Pages (hard copy)

    under "new age", "occult", "metaphysical", etc.  It's not so

    much the shop you want...but contact with some of the clientel.

    Many such shops will have a "bulletin board" set up to allow

    local Orders, Covens, and/or "study groups" of subjects such

    as Ceremonial Magic to "network" with each other and the


    If no such board is available...the staff may know of a person

    skilled in such things as exorcism (yes...shaman, witches,

    and ceremonialists know such things) and who might be

    willing to help you in clearing your house.

    But mant Shiv (above) pointed out...Earthbound

    Spirits aren't meaning to do much more than "hang out" until

    they can move on.  So I'd think a shaman might be the best

    choice (if locatable) since they might be better able to

    communicate with these and may even be able to negotiate

    something reasonable and satisfactory to both sides.

  10. see this is a typical problem and can be solved easily...

        if ur mind have full of god's believe and confidence u surely dont get this type of illusions... hence if u fear lot ull have this type of problem regularly...

        just have many god's photo in ur home and make a prayer daily this wont happen again....

        if ur a hindu the pooja material named "sambrani" make that smoke in ur home during tuesday and friday... this will help u!!!

  11. Its your myth, because people living in your locality may have frightened you by their myth.

  12. I hope you have not been reading too many horror stories.

  13. You can see and sense Spirit.  It's a Gift. It's possible that the crying is just your bodie's way of letting you know they're around, or maybe you are picking up their emotions.  Try to help them if you can - if you were in the same position, you'd want someone to help you.

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