
I see bright white in total darkness. What's wrong with my eyes?

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Recently I ended up in a country where a cloudy moonless night means total darkness. My eyes started off seeing black, then slowly dark-gray, then gray, brightening slowly until all I saw was bright-white. This left me completely blind; while others around me could at least see shapes in the darkness. If there was a light source, like the headlights of a passing car, my eyes would 'reset' and I would go back to seeing black and the process would start again.

I don't know how long this has been happening as I don't remember the last time I was anywhere that was totally dark (the woes of modern living).

What is wrong with my eyes?




  1. Most likely it's an overload of the photoreceptors when dark-adapting.  This is a hallucinatory image brought on by the overload.  Much like an after-image from a flash-bulb, only in reverse....Generally not harmful unless you are trying to drive a car....You should have it evaluated.

  2. You should get your eyes medically checked...

  3. You might want to ask an eyedoctor.  I've never heard of that before :)

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