
I see many of you have had bad experiences with

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My husband and I just recently moved to voip. Now I'm really worried about this.I sent my money in for the installment fee. I haven't seen anything yet.They said they would email me when it was shipped.If there's so much against them what can I do to stop this?




  1. What company did you go through?

    I'm an IMR for 5linx, which owns Globalinx and i've had nothing but success. I've got customers globallly and I have business partners as well.

    They don't have a contact number for you to call?

    Hi there. I am a stay at home mom 32 y/o single parent of a 5 year old. I was introduced to a business opportunity by a ex-military coworker of mine and it has taken off for me. There is a start up fee, but I made mine back in 9 days. I've included the link to my website if you want to know more. Just click on opportunity.

    And here's the link to the nbc newsclip we were featured on.

    This is something you guys should really check out. You can also go to and bookstore and look us up in Success at Home Magazine. We are also featured in INC 500 for the last 3 years. We have had 800% growth in our company.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide.

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