there is not just my girlfriend! she is my love, my life, my trust but she is broke my trust and i try to forgot my love but why i can't forget my love? always women got a safty from everyone like a man, father, brother, public and law they think always women is inocent and they will right but my love give me hurt me in my hart and my brain. i am happy before she is meet me but now i am not happy to everyway in my life. i am feeling i am poor because of my love, i am always drunk because of my love, i am no more study because of my love and more to resone of h**l life to mans but public and law gives a always women is right. if mans do chit in love then girls familys anything do like a fight with 15 man and alon poor lover or give a money to police to arrest to the lover and broke his every body part. they can do it anything but if the chit the girls to boys. boys doing nothing then boys going to mad if too much love to her girlfriend and see will doing the chit. nomorewordinyahooan...