
I see the future in my dreams?

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i dream things and they just stick in my head then la little while later it happens sometimes and my dad's girlfriend said she saw me in a dream before i was born as like 12 but she just forgot it till she met me then she told me she dreamed me at this age




  1. Your brain has chemical triggers that make you think that something was a memory.  When it misfires you have no other reference than to think what happened was in your memories, even though it was never in your real life past or your dreams.  Because you know you didn't experience this as real life before you assume it was a dream.  

  2. My dad had a dream about me as a baby before I was even conceived.

    He also dreamt my 2 sisters a few months later.

    My family have a strong intuition and we have tapped into it to help us make decisions.

    If you feel you have this, listen to it, stregnthen it and use your 'gut instinct' when it kicks in.

    I had a dream once that there was going to be a helicopter crash in Scotland over water, and I also knew how many people were in the helicopter, how many were going to die and how many went missing etc.

    I didnt pay any attention to it, because 1) I was in the dream with my family and 2) I had never been and hadnt planned in going in a helicopter.

    2 days later my dream came true. This happened a few times. It scared me like crazy.

    What you need to do is write these dreams down. Because most of the time I forget unless they are very vivid. This way you know if you are having these dreams for a reason.

    Use them to your advantage, but dont over analyse them.

    You are gifted, use your gift!

    Good luck.

  3. i'm a psychology major and i learn about these kind of dreams once in a while.  these are called prophetic dreams.  these dreams are used to warn or prepare you for something to come, but it may not come exactly the way it happens in the dream.  the reason why you can se it in your dreams is because when you are in your real life or your "waking life" you are gathering hints of smiting to happen.  somehow when you are sleeping, your unconscious is about to put all those hints together and warn or tell you about something that is going to happen

  4. I'm not saying that 'it cannot happen', but I'm saying, 'demonstrate it' and prove the skeptics among us wrong.

    God luck.


  5. 6th sense and deja vu.....

  6. this is called 6th sense

    some ppl have a strong 6th sense and the dreams sometimes tells about future but not all the time

    best of luck

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