
I see the number 44 many times a week. When I wake up in the night its something 44 all the time. ?

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I have been seeing this number for a long time. Is there such a thing as numerology ? I see it when I look at the clock. Its always 12:44 what ever the time its got a 44. Not all the time but ALOT OF THE TIME. What does that mean ? A logical answer would be appreciated.




  1. it's just because you've focused on 44 so now it seems like that's always what the time is. you see a lot of times over and over again but you just never notice because they're not significant. pick a different number and im sure you'll realize that you see it just as much as 44 =)

  2. all i know is that there is some significance to this. my son has the same thing going on w/him (319) not coincidence either

  3. Its proboly showing up alot because ur thinking about it. If u think about seeing a number all the time thats the first thing that will pop out when u look at somthing. Im sure many people see the same number alot but dont notice it because they arnt thinking much about it.

  4. it means u see the number alot and ur obsessing over nothing

  5. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE 23???? j/k

    i'dk maybe your just paranoid , or your friends are messing with you

    thrieaten to kick them, maybe they'll stop

  6. I don't know but if you are dreaming that number and seeing it all the time, I would add a 0 to it and play it at the lottery outlet, dollar straight and dollar boxed. Good luck.

  7. Numerology has nothing to do with it. Let me ask you a question. Is there such a thing as big coincidence? Why was this word invented?

  8. Couldn't tell you. I've always been told that when you see numbers like 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. you should make a wish. Try it!  

  9. You're seeing it because you're noticing it. You may look at the clock 20 times a day, but the times when you see 44 are the ones you remember.

    It's also possible that you are suffering from a string of coincidences. I saw 314 constantly for a couple of months - 3:14 a.m. or p.m., 314 dollars for new tires (no cents, just $314, which was weird), 314 on an address. It was strange, but I never found any deeper meaning in it because it was a coincidence.

    Or else, in your case, it means you should seek out 44s. Go buy a 44 magnum, date a 44 year old, search for packages with 44 items in them.

    By the way, I'll be 44 next July, if you can wait.

    The number should just go away on its own. If it doesn't, you may be mad as a hatter and need psychological treatment. I heard there's a good shrink at 44 North 44th Street in Cleveland, Ohio, 44044. He specializes in people who have such issues. But you might have to wait your turn. He only takes 44 patients at a time.

    Jim the Yooper

    Is it 3:14 yet?

  10. I will not try and tell you what it means, but according to one biblical scholar, the number twelve represents governmental perfection.  The number 40 represents: trials, probation, testings, and also judgement.  The number 4 represents creation, or world.  There is no specific mention of the number 44.  Hope this helps  

  11. i don't know 44 what you're 44 talking about.  are 44 you sure44 you're not just 44 imagining it44?


    it may just be that out of coincidence you saw several things that were "44", and then you took notice.  i myself have trouble believing in some mystical power in numbers, but you never know...

  12. It's all in your head.  It's coincidence.  Now that you have this connection with 44 in your mind, you will notice it all the time when otherwise you wouldn't.  You may not notice all the times you look at the clock and see another time.  And you probably don't notice all the other numbers you see daily.  My number's 47, it is for a lot of people so I've heard, but there's nothing to it, it's just sort of noticing things you want to see.

  13. 4 is the number of death, in chinese, when you say the number 4, it sounds out death in chinese, so 4 is unlucky

    44 is unlucky 444 is unlucky

    humans are build with internal clock, i can tell time no matter how long i havent' look at the clock, your mind is stuck on 44

    look at the clock when it turns to a new hour, every hour, and stop thinking about 44, you'll only see the clock showing the hour in the future

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