
I see the numbers 444 EVERYWHERE?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone know what it means?? Very stressed at work recently!




  1. try...


  2. in my findings i came across that angels communicate to us through triple numbers....444 says...this sign from your spirit guides signifies their disagreement with your thoughts and feelings and can be interpreted as a cosmic NO to your questions you have asked or ideas you may have...believe me you are been shown this number for a reason, and until you find the answer you,ll keep on seeing it, then when you work out its message it will stop...for me its the number 333, a number i never had thought about, then i started to notice it but was ignoring it untill it really started showing up everywhere i went and several times a day, people around me could see it to but thought there was nothing behind it...then something wonderful happened on the 3-3-03.. but that was just the beginning to it, i had learnt that i was recieving angelic help when i almost gave up, and thank god i kept trying to figue out what the message was behind 333...and thank god i never gave up i found my answer it was the best gift i was ever given, even the people around me couldnt believe it, and im truelly amazed at the signs we get from above when they are trying to tell us something....333 really paid off for me, now when i start seeing the same numbers repeatedly i always know theres a message behind it...and thank god i didnt listen to the people around me telling me to ignore it, theres nothing behind it...for me it got so bad at seeing 333, so many times i paused my stero on 3 minutes and 33 seconds without looking at it and only noticing days later when i went back to play it...when i spoke on the phone so many times id end the call at 3 min and 33 phone no has 333 in it i see it on cars, house numbers car plates, even a food brand came on tv called three threes...i had some work which paid 333 dollars per week, and thats just the beginning of it...but thankfully there was a message behind it, it changed my life...i had to study a little numberology to work out why 333 was connected to me...and in the end it was WOW can this really happen, and yes it best of luck on your journey and trust me there is a message behind it, you,ll know when you find the answer....

  3. You know it's strange that you mentioned that. I once worked for a place, in New Jersey, were we took old medical records and put them on micro film. There was this machine I worked on were I would feed the documents one at a time and the machine would take pictures of the documents. This machine had a counter on it so you could keep up with the number of documents that was being filmed. Every-time I would look up to see where I was on my count it would show the number 666. This happened on several occasions. While working at this place there were times I would go to the store and when they would ring me up the total would come to 6.66. For a long time this freaked me out. I mean it was happening at work and when I would go to the store. I believe If I were seeing the numbers 444 that would not bother me as bad as seeing the numbers 666. I do not know if it's true, but my family has often told me the numbers 666 is meant to be known as the mark of the beast. That's why every-time I would see that number I would freak out a little. Now if I go to a store and the total comes to 6.66 I'll buy a pack of gum or something so the price will be changed. I guess as you can tell I not longer work for that company anymore.

  4. I agree with Kenny B. (lol a rhyme.) My friend see 342 everywhere. I see 259  in nearly everything. Cases such as this occur all the time to so many people.

  5. It means you're looking specifically for the number 444. When you see it, you remember it. When you don't see it, you discount it. The end result is that you think you're seeing 444 all the time because confirmation bias working with your selective memory convinces you so.

    That's all it is.

  6. Let me preface this with I am a natural born skeptic,an ALL matters.The only reason I opened this particular one is the EXACT number,444.I see it everywhere,all the time,for months and months.I don't see any "meaning"behind it.h**l,I don't even believe in events with "meaning".But d**n,444 has been everywhere,car tags,totals at the store,every time I look at the clock.That's it,I'm finally gonna give into superstition and play 444 on the "cash3"tomorrow,lol.I'll let you know if it "meant" something other than I'm out a dollar.d**n,that IS weird,444,same freakin number

  7. lol ..i see 333 or 311..

    its probably a date and a spirit is trying to tell you they are there..

    like do you know anyone with the birthday or the death on april....or maybe a time they died or somthing..4:44

    just to give you a idea..

    my husbands father died at 3 i associate 333 for him

    and my nannys birthday was march 11th..

    so focus on different dates and times...

  8. Under stress, the human brain seeks correlation (even where none exist).  You've just sensitized yourself and remember those coincidences where this number popped up.

    So, it has no meaning other than you've noticed it.

    For me, the number is 812 - I see it everywhere it seems.

  9. You are experiencing confirmation bias.

    My number is 67.

  10. I tend to agree with the others, my number is eight. From what I've read it is a sign from your angel with different meanings. Think what you want, don't know what to believe myself.

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