
I see things when I close my eyes/when it's dark?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah, so ever since I can remember, which actually if four years old, everytime I close my eyes I get a flash of two light circles with darker circles inside of them, side by side, that look like owl eyes, or at least that's how I've always described them. This also happens when it's dark. It actually freaks me out some times because they really look like eyes. They remind me a bit of those floaty shapes you see after looking at a strong light - they behave in the same way. So what is it though?




  1. Mayb you need glasses..or if u looked straight at the sun that mita cause it

  2. Oh wow.

    Im not sure.

    As long as it doesnt bother you, dont worry.

    But if it scares you, go see a doc.

  3. when you do this are you hearing things touchings or eating things because this is something that you are either born with or you can get over a period of time go to a doctor

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