
I see women playing on men's baseball, basketball and soccer teams, why not football? This is WRONG!!

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and discrimination to say the least. So now what, they don't think women cant compete as good as the men do? that is bull! I know tons of women who can compete just as good as men if they were given a chance to play football with them. Who the h**l makes these rules???




  1. Katie Hnida broke the gender barrier by becoming the first female player to score in an NCAA Division I football game in 2002. Playing for New Mexico, she was a place kicker who is currently scheduled to play for the Colorado Cobras minor leauge football team. Both Liz Heaston and Ashley Martin had previously broken the gender line in Division III and Division I-AA respectfully. There are now more than 40 females on NCAA football rosters for the upcoming year 2008, and many of the  D-I players are on full or partial scholarships.

  2. OH C'MON  what is this "fantasyland"?  maybe in high school but never at a professional level

  3. There are females who play football.  Typically as a punter/kicker, however they are on the roster.

    Most college programs also have open tryouts to make their football team.  Instead of claiming their is some conspiracy, or some other excuse, how about just trying out for one.

  4. There is actually no discrimination happening, women could play in the NFL if they were good enough but since the league started, there haven't been any skilled women looking to play football.  Theres no rule saying women can't play.  You sound really dumb when you ask questions like this.  Women have the exact same chances as men do to play football

  5. do you mean pro. cuz no women r in da nba cuz they wouldnt be fare they'd get jammed over way to much. i dk bout soccer n in da nfl most women would get killed? around 13 boys become larger then girls n stronger n in full contact sports most girls would not stand a chance. its more of a safety issue n co ed teams stop when your really young becuz men are naturally stronger n bigger than women

  6. women have their own football leagues

  7. well one thing most men are naturally stronger than women and there is a womens football league up in the mountain time zone and they are all a bunch of crazed dogs.

    and a girl tryed out for middle school football last year. she was on the team but she didn't play.

  8. well beside the fact that women's boddies couldn't phisically handle the game, there is the issue that no GM in the world is stupid enough to let a woman play. don't get me wrong i have played with girls in the past but that was little leuge. no Gm or owner would EVER sign a woman to a pro football team. there are too many chances for law suits, they would need a seperate locker room, and nobody wants to be remembered as the guy who let a woman play. i dunno if there is actually a rule against women playing, but honestly it will never happen

  9. Forget sexism, you're average female player would not be able to get health cover if they played on a man's team because of the risk of physical injury that comes from playing with/against people in such a vastly different weight category, and without health cover you have no game.

    Personally, I don't think that woman should not play on men's teams, period. Doing so belittles woman's sports. It's like saying "woman's leagues aren't good enough for me". If a male baseball player stood up and said that woman's leagues were second rate he'd be shouted down, but woman do it all the time by skipping over.

    Woman have struggled for years to get sponsorship and airtime for woman's league and now that they are starting to get recognition players start to jump ship and damage the league.

  10. What happens when a woman gets serious injuried (crippled) playing football with men?  And would it be considered a personal foul (15 yr penalty) if someone is tackling her and touchs her chest?

  11. Could you imagine just how big the biatches would have to be not to mention how ugly they would be.Do you really want to see female ogres in the NFL?  come on!!!

  12. guys don't hit girls! in football u have to hit your opponents! and hard too!!!

    baseball, basketball, and soccer! the main goal in those games isn't smacking around your opponent!!! they're nowhere near as physical as football!!! I personally think they should separate Males and Females in sports all together! with some exceptions like Figure Skating!

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