
I seem to become lost every time I use my vehicle. How can I improve my sense of direction?

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It doesn't seem to matter if my destination is new to me or not. Nothing feels familiar and I have trouble putting landmarks in my head/keeping a sense of N/S/W/E.




  1. This is somewhat unusual. Perhaps you are going through a stressful time.However, what you can do is get yourself a large scale map of your area  and decide which route that you are going to use.

  2. Eat more pigeon pie ...

  3. If it's morning, if you face the sun (east), north will be on your left, south on your right and west behind you.  Turn it around in the afternoon.  Otherwise, a GPS system would be a good investment.

  4. Start with the basics.. Sun rises in the East, sets in the West.. If you are going E in the morning, then N is to your left, S to the right and W is behind...Just the opposite in the afternoon - if you are going W, then N is to the right, S to the left and E is behind.

    Look at the street addresses where you live...You'll see that odd numbers are on one side, evens on the other (in most places)...Here in CA, most odd number street addresses are on the W and S sides of the street, even numbers on E and N sides...This is most helpful at night.

    Before you go rushing out to plunk down several hundred dollars on something that may be more confusing, use what you have or is more readily available - your computer, paper maps or a map book...On the computer, take a look at Google Earth or MSN Virtual Earth...These programs will show very good detail of almost all streets and highways in the US, as well as every other continent...On paper or book maps, N is almost always at the top of the page...Look for the arrow with the N...E will be to the right, W to the left, S at the bottom.

    Keep the landmarks simple - a McDonald's or 7-11 or Q.T. ..Is it on my left or right...It will be on the opposite side going back...Don't drive in the dark until you feel comfortable driving during daytime.

    All the best.

  5. Consider purchasing a portable GPS for your vehicle.  Most people become somewhat confused about direction (N, S, E & W).

  6. don't   worry  about  a  thing   i'am  lost  and  i  have  gone  to  look  for  myself  and  if  you  find  me  when  i  get  back  please  let  me  know.

  7. Get a map and write your route out beforehand. You should be okay then.

  8. Get a compass!

  9. To help me remember NSEW I always picture a familiar intersection and relate it where I am at that moment. Get a compass that tells you NSEW.

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