
I seem to have a problem with most black people I meet.

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Why is this the case? I don't want to be intolerant, but it seems to follow me everywhere and in every situation. Is there a reason for this?




  1. racist? ignorant? i don't know.

    you shouldn't judge on color.

    if you have a problem with someone, maybe it's their attitude.

    i have met ignorant whites, blacks, asians, hispanics, whatever.

    to me, it's not about color. if you are an ignorant person, no matter what color you are, i won't get along with you.

  2. Whether you are racist or not depends on whether you dislike them because the way they act, and they happen to be black, or if you dislike them no matter how polite they are simply for the fact that they are black.

    Personally I dislike most of the black people I meet, but it has nothing to do with the fact that they are black. For some reason, many of them make a choice to act a certain way instead of behaving as individuals. I don't believe that this is because all black people have the same taste in music, way of thinking, or fashion sense, but because in this society as a way of forming a bond with one another they found a life style and stuck together with it. This way of behaving happens to annoy me, and I truly believe that black people have MUCH more independent thought than they are letting out, but face too much pressure from others to join along with the majority.

    (This is a similar problem that Americans are having with college. It is now a surprise to find that someone doesn't plan to go to college after high school, despite the vast amounts of job opportunities that require no formal education but are just as respectable in their own way. )

    I would like to end this rant by saying that the events that I mentioned had nothing to do with race and could have just as easily happened to any race. Nor do I mean to imply that all or only black people behave this way. I dislike the behavior that just happens to be the common way for black people to act at this moment in our history.

    Also, Cornerblitz113 below me is racist or has poor choice of words.

  3. Because you might have had your stuff stolen by black people in the past, or you may have ran into black people who are aggressive, offensive, or a female sister with a real bad attitude.  It's understandable.  I had my expensive phone stolen by a black person.  They can't seem to get themselves out of that mode.  They can't seem to get out of the ghetto mode, they can't seem to get out of their hood-minded way of thinking and they expect people to treat them civilizedly.  They're delisional ludicrious.  There are exceptions though, there is a small percentage of black people in this country that actually try, or have already gotton out of the hood-minded way of thinking.  They are no longer ghetto-style but I repeat, a very small percentage of them.  Some of them are actually nice and friendly people.

  4. first of all we are all PEOPLE.  and if you problem is following you around to different people then its your problem, not theirs...

  5. hi,

         it would help me to understand your question if it was not so vague.

    perhaps black people are being defensive, trying to get one over on you, wanting to prove you wrong, dissagreing with you just for the sake of it.

    maybe black people just want to speak with you about their black role models.

    all of this is anti social.

    now whatever the case if you have a problem with black people you have a problem with you, and I am not attempting to be clever here, or to try and shame you in any way.

    even if black people are being anti social with you its ok, its alright, because you dont have to allow it to be a problem.

    acceptance can be really helpfull in this situation.

    try and lower your expectations of what you expect from black people.

    are you good looking, smartly dressed, tall, in a position of authority.

    there are many factors that you can take into consideration.

    by the way, I do respect your honesty here, and would love to see more of it ,instead of accusing chanting,shaming, self righteousness..

    I have had lots of problems with black people.

    I find myself being stereo typed, stared at with cold empty glased eyes.  spoken to with a harsh tone of voice, unwanted at black peoples social events such as nightclubs, churches, barber shops, and front line strips.

    Now I also have to add that its compensated by the love, respect, and social warmth I receive from black people.

    sometimes it helps to walk the extra mile, instead of turning back the other way, because you never regret it.

    I love your honesty, and openess.

  6. you have issues

  7. Maybe you should talk to these so called 'black' people and help them get over their problem. You can't be completely tolerant of everyone, so sometimes the black people have to change for you. The evolutionary history of humans shows that thousands of years ago, black cannibals preyed on the peaceful, civilized white communities. You should talk to your black friends to make sure they understand the pain they are causing you.

  8. Slay 102...

    You have got to realize...

    It is a personal problem!

    We attract what we are...

    If your not black, then your the problem!

    What are you looking for?

    Why are you associating this with "blacks only"?

    Are you scared of them?

    Are you intimidated by them?

    Honestly be yourself...

    People are people!

    Your generalizing...

    Check yourself, then look honestly with your own attitude!

    How are you coming off to them?

    Maybe they see something in you they do not like...

    Maybe your "***"uming!

  9. Maybe you're racist.  

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