
I seem to hear all the time that women are all looking for a pat on the back because they work, does anyone...

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else find that there are just as many women looking for someone to say they're doing the "right thing" by NOT working?

Let me say again that I don't care how anyone lives their lives but why bash other people unless you're feeling insecure about the path you've chosen?




  1. Sometimes the only person who is going to pat us on the back is us; never expect things that are difficult for others to give.

  2. I'd question those who say it - ask them why they believe that to be true.  I haven't looked for a 'pat on the back' since joining the workforce when 15 - it's a chosen way of life for me because I don't like being dependent on anyone but myself.  So, for me - it couldn't possibly be any other way.  So again, ask all those you meet that ARE bashing others since you "hear it all the time."

  3. I think everyone is looking for a pat on the back.  We all what to know that we are doing a good job in whatever it is we are doing.  Just as we tell children they are doing a good job, we should tell friends, family and colleagues the same.

  4. Great question. It does appear that historic roles and feminism does cause conflict causing women to seek validation.

  5. I don't want a pat on my back.I could care less what anyone here or anywhere cares about how I live my life. you don't want to work don't. if you can stay at home great stay at home.

    But I can tell you one thing as a single mother if i did stay home YOU and the others here would call me lazy and other things. so you live your life the way you want I'll live mine the way I want how's that?

    EDIT: I work 3 jobs and I am happy I am able to work and support MY child without any handouts. and I sure as heck don't want a pat on the back for doing the right thing. and as a single mother i wouldn't get any thing but stats on how my child will grow up bad, that's all i get as a single mom.

    EDIT 2:  OK I am sorry I just get used to being judged. I am sorry i didn't mean to say that you would say anything. I agree with you on welfare it is way to easy to get it and you are right it should be used to help you get back on your feet. I agree 100%. sorry for flying off the handle like that. God Bless

  6. I am doing the "right thing" by staying home to raise my own children. I have never looked for a pat on the back. I do not need validation from anyone. As far as women who choose to work and put their children in the care of others, I do not quite get why they would think they need a pat on the back, but maybe it has something to do with needing someone to tell them that their life choices are OK?

  7. I agree with you. Sometimes, when people are insecure about themselves, they find nothing better to do than to bash others for not living their lives in a specific way. Women and careers are a huge example of that. It's pretty dumb, but it's the way people are. I think it's important that you do what you want in life, not because you'll receive praise from someone, but because that's the path you want to choose for yourself. Good luck. :)

  8. Wait a minute your question's confusing me. A woman wants a pat on her back for a job well done for working or not working?

  9. It is the only the feminists that are insecure. Any woman with a loving family-oriented husband is not insecure.

    What does this tell you about feminism?

  10. Anyone who contributes to the economy and their household by working, male or female, deserve a pat on the back.  The working and middle classes are the backbone of American society by creating the tax base our government runs its programs.  

    If it wasn't for the working and middle classes people who chose not to work because they are lazy would not be able to collect welfare and other public benefits and would be unable to mooch off of society as a whole.  Hence forcing them to find a job to support themselves and the 6 kids they produced with 6 different "baby daddies".

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