
I seem to remember there was an inquest into Dianas death already with nothing untoward turning up?

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Another inquest is now going to happen? Why is this?




  1. people did not believe the first one

  2. EXACTLY!!!  The only thing we're going to learn from this British inquest is exactly what we already know!  There is no new information to find out.  She died in a drunk driving accident, and she wasn't wearing a seat belt.  End of story...buckle up or die, right??

  3. Who needs an expensive inquest?

    The drunk driver crashed the car, the only person who was wearing a seat belt is the only one that is alive today.


    1. Don't drink and drive; It's incredibly dangerous.

    2.  Seat belts save lives.

    There I've just saved the tax payer a fortune on an expensive inquest.

  4. Just saw Sky poll? 1/3 people believe it was not an accident and was it high 60s% believe that truth will never be told

  5. Sir John Stevens, the former commissioner of the Met, had an enquiry and concluded that it was nothing more than a tragic accident.

    I don't know why on earth more money is being wasted on this question. Drunk driver, high speed chase, no seat belts - I don't know what's so hard for people to grasp.

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