
I seen a question about how much to pay .....?

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At this Martial Arts gym It's going to cost me 100 dollars a month, It has daily classes (except sunday) And they teach muy tai and BJJ and has some free wieghts, is that a good cost ? It seems high to me, but then again I'm new to this so I can be completely wrong, any help ??? !!!




  1. In england I do martial arts twice weekly (if there are no tournaments, squads etc...) which costs me around $12


    Cheaper than yours, but you get to be taught every day and I go to all the classes (which as I said is 2 weekly), so I say take it quickly before it's full/offer closed :P

  2. It seems the price for gyms is at 100 a month these days. So it seems about right, but check out other gyms for comparisons.

  3. This is an average cost.  I work in a Karate facility and depending on the area you live in it cost anywhere from $100 and $200 a month.  If you are serious about your training and have a good school then its worth the investment.

  4. If your a beginner and not sure of which martial art you want to learn i suggest you go to your local YMCA they don't charge much and have good instructors.  As far as the martial arts gym and the price sounds about right if you can practice daily and learn kick boxing  and BJJ.

    I say go for it if you can afford it and  if that's what you want.

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