
I seen a show on the History channel called "Life After People", and it showed how man made structures would ?

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Slowly fall apart and nature would slowly return and claim the cities, but in the show there were some man made structures that lasted for centuries like a few dams and certain buildings and monuments. So could you name a few man made structures that would last 200 to 300 years after the fall of mankind?




  1. The pyramids, Huge, solid and stable, and not in an earthquake prone area. they've been shown to have staying power.

    It depends on what condition mean by last. In what kind of condition? Modern glass and steel buildings will fall apart pretty quickly, but Edinburgh castle will last a long time.

    I think anything that is constructed of stone without wood supporting anything vital will be around for a long time. So some of the Hindu temples in India will be around (if buried under jungle) in half a millenia.

  2. is there any? none i think. but if i have to.. i would say, pyramid giza in egypt. look soo tough. and big.

  3. The Borobudur was buried under a dense jungle for hundreds of years before being dug up by Raffles.  Do you consider that surviving?  Or must the structure be clear of vegetation during that 300 year time span?  in that case then only structures in arid areas can be considered, like the pyramids and the Sphinx.

  4. Stonehenge and other stone circles I'd imagine. .Even if one ot two stones fell,or maybe a lintel came off, I don't see any reason why in the mains the stones wouldn't still be standing in another thousand years. They have already survived a million nights of storms and a few medieval earthquakes (which aren't going to happen again.)

  5. The pyramids, great wall, many of our concrete dams and many of our skyscrapers will last, windowless, until rust or earthquakes bring them down. Same for highway cloverleafs. Much of what we have built in concrete will last until rust destroys the steel inside. Mostly it'll wind up overgrown. Lunar rovers will last, some of our most polluted places will last, especially Chernoble. Some of the great strip mines will still be holes in the ground. Voyager will still be going, as will our radio signals.

  6. Thought it was fantastic!

  7. I've heard that granite lasts for 500 years and that is why you might want a burial stone of that material whereas marble lasts for only 100 years. The problem would be the roof, a wooded house can last that long if the roof is good shape but no one to maintain it would then depend on conditions. Bomb shelters built during the cold war will stay that long. I know that the entire southern US would turn into a giant Kudzu patch. It would be quite surreal.

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