
I seen something in the sky, on July 7th, 2008. Did anyone else see anything? So Cal?

by  |  earlier

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I was in Mission Viejo around 10:10 pm. with a couple of friends and happen to look up when we saw what we thought was a satellite. It was moving a lot faster than that and then it zigzagged, backed up and then hovered then moved into deeper space (as if it was going straight in with turbo power, because it got brighter then moved away) then vanished. weird! It was to deep into the sky to be an airplane or helicopter. I wanted to see if anyone seen anything remotely like this before I gave any details. From the answers I received I guess it was just me and my friends who seen it.




  1. So Cal Southern California

  2. I dint seen nuttin'

    But I did see the sun go down in the west at about 8:40pm (more or less) then I saw a lot of stars and the moon all night until about 6:00am, when the rising sun lit the eastern sky, at which point the moon and stars "went away." Why? did you see something out of the ordinary? A HINT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE.

  3. you have no information to support your question.

  4. describe it. It could be anything,like an airplane, jet, helicopter, fireworks, even a kite or balloon or something. not nescesarily an alien spacecraft, if thats what your thinking

  5. What time was it?

    In which direction were you looking?

    Was it moving?

    How bright was it?

    Did it look like a star or was it something larger?

  6. Yes I did. I saw some stars, the moon and a bunch of airplanes. The weird thing is the airplanes were round and hovering. Is that weird or what. hmmmmmmm

  7. ya i had alot of left over fireworks.started shooting these nearly 3pound artillarys into the sky.i hit my house with one my parents wer pissed.i love fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... lol

  8. wat is so cal

  9. What did you see???

  10. there are tons of things in the sky. is this a moving object? it could be a plane in your area. your going to have to be a lot more specific. was this a bright object in the night sky? tonight, the brightest object (besides the moon) is jupiter. jupiter is actually the closest it will be in a while tonight. so maybe a bit more information would help us here.

  11. no what was it????

  12. Clouds full of monsoonal energy.  Lightning takes odd forms sometimes.  Not that I saw anything exciting tonight.  

    Last night I saw some horozontal meteors.  Really cool.

  13. south california

    Was it triangle with lights ? =]

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