
I seen the ugliest bug-what is it?

by  |  earlier

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I walked in my kitchen and seen this bug on my cupboard and rendered it helpless, and than threw it in my freezer. It is 3 inches long from stinger to head with the stinger measuring slightly over two inches (I think it is a stinger, Im not really sure. It wings measure one inch and the antenna just over thee quarters of an inch. it has a interesting color on its back, as it is yellow, orange and brownish/black rings in that sequence over approx. 8 times. Anybody have a name for it, and is it poisonus/dangerous?




  1. potato bug?

  2. It is always good to check out yourself as to what you saw -

  3. sounds like a giant wood wasp.  Check out the link

    Some of those things will sting the heck out of you and follow you and keep attacking.  Glad you rendered it unconcious.

  4. My guess is it is an elm boring beetle. These beetles have long bodies and large curled antenna. The back has a pattern of orange and black bars. The beetle is harmless but the grub bores holes in elm trees.

  5. if you don't mind could you please post a pic?

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