
I seen to have a pea sized lump on the left side of my v****a..what is it?

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I seen to have a pea sized lump on the left side of my v****a..its hard and it hurts at times..what is it?

I do wear very tight pants 24/7..i just noticed it like today, it just suddenly popped out....its not big but it does hurt if i touch it and is slightly itchy.

What is it??? anyone had a similar thing before??




  1. If it's on the inside of your v***a, next to the opening of your v****a itself, it may be an infected or cystic Bartholin gland... and if it's on the outside, it may be an infected hair follicle (from an ingrown hair, most likely) or a small boil getting started.

    Could be something else... but both of these are good reasons to ask your doctor what it is and how to treat it.

  2. i answered another question similar to this one.

    the advise i gave was something along the lines of:

    go see a doctor. i'm not sure what it is but it doesn't sound normal, or good. he/she (your doctor) should be able to tell you what it is and why it's there. also, maybe try not wearing such tight pants on some days  

  3. sounds like a small infection, nothing major, you can go to the doctor and they will give you pills to take for 7days or you can go to your local phramacy and get some v****a cream.

  4. see a doctor!!!

  5. Its a cyst, it will go away on its own after about 5 days

  6. More then likely it's an ingrown hair. LEAVE it alone. It can take a couple weeks to go away, but it will. If it doesn't in a few weeks, I would go to the doctor because they can drain them.

  7. its like a puss filled bump they do go away its probably from shaving and it can be from and ingrown hair i have had one before. they do go away but if it gets worse or pain gets worse go to doctor, go to web md and look it up also here is some stuff to look at

    dont overthink it and freak out but dont ignore it either, goodluck

  8. pop dat ***** with a needle  

  9. it sounds like you might have a Bartholin's gland cyst, these can range in size, they can be very small, to fairly large.  i would try putting a warm or hot washcloth on the area and compress it  until it goes down in size.  if your really concerned talk to your doctor about it.

    you might want to try wearing a little bit looser pants and cotton underwear to help air out the area.

  10. if its hurting you a lot, take a warm shower and this should make the bump a little softer sqeeze on it gently and drain the pus out. It will feel much better. If its not bothering you alot leave it alone and it will go down within a week or so.  

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