
I sell life insurance for old mutual they sell health insurance should i get a health licensen??

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I sell life insurance for old mutual they sell health insurance should i get a health licensen??




  1. I hope my suggestion could be helpful.And here is resource that I am used to use.Check it out.

  2. I've never seen any state where health and life are two different licenses.  Usually the license is "life, accident, and health".

    If you already have the life license, look at it.  See if it says health on it.

  3. It would be wise to pass the A&H exam and be licensed to sell it.

    Let's say that during a fact-finding interview with a prospect, you discover that he/she also has a need for disability income or other health insurance. You and the prospect determine the life insurance need and write a policy for that amount.

    Then, your client remembers that he/she need the DI or other coverage, calls an agent who sells it. The agent comes over, does a total review, writes the DI and health, then replaces your life policy.

    The more lines of insurance you have in a household, the better the persistency. I know that you can't be all things to all people, but more lines you can write, the more opportunities you have to earn more money, while taking care of more of your clients needs.

    In WV you can opt to take only the life, or the A&H exam for licensing.

  4. Depends on the state.  GA has separate license and a combined license.

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