
I sent a flag to a friend in brazil a month ago and it still hasnt got there?

by  |  earlier

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i sent it by airmail does it usually take this long i sent it to the southern most state of brazil it was a light weight package




  1. Suppose it was hijacked?  

    A guy could make a few bucks sellin it.

  2. I hope it will get there cause packages in Brazil sometime have a tendency to vanish along the way...

  3. I mailed a package to Rio and it took around 4 weeks to get there.

  4. Sometimes it does. I sent a parcel to myself from Berlin to São Paulo and it took almost 2 months...

  5. It'll get there eventually. I send things to Sao Paulo and it can take over a month....but it never fails to get there.

  6. no, it should of taken a few weeks. did you put the right address?? did you ship internationally??? did you use enough postage stamps?? all that can be a problem. and also depends in what did you send it in.

  7. Not more than 2 weeks.

  8. A lightweight package from CA to SP should take 2-4 weeks I


  9. It took sixteen days from mailing (Priority Mail!) to get my medicine inside the same state (California) and you think you've got postal problems.

  10. Normally to mail a package out of the country it takes a while for it to get there. Think of all the different customs agents it goes through, all the security checkpoints, and then the mail man figuring out were it belongs. Just be a little more patient with the mail system, it will get there.

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