
I sent a holiday letter to a teacher that I thought still worked there....?

by  |  earlier

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I sent it today, this teacher quit on October, I thought he still

worked there but I called later to the school after I sent it and they said he no longer works there since October. Will they send it back to me or will they forward it to his home address even though he quit on October(2 months ago).

If he got fired on October (which I'm thinking he did but not sure), will they forward it to his personal address or will they send it back to my address ?




  1. Why don't you visit the school's mailroom, and try to find out what they did with it?

    If you kept a copy, you can re-mail it, with the instructions on the outside of the envelope, "Please Forward"...

    Even if you didn't keep a copy, you can still re-write it, because if it's that important to you, I'm sure you can remember the gist of the letter, and then follow the instructions above...

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