
I sent my kids to my ex-husband"s and they come back SOOO violent what should i do call CPS?

by  |  earlier

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but im not sure if i should because we divorsed because he went to jail for drugs and DWI plus DUI.and dealing drugs to 11 year olds encluding my kid




  1. he shouldnt even have visitation rights i would be calling ur lawyer

  2. I wouldn't even let my children know he was out of jail(when he got out) this is not a person you want your kids around...regardless if he is their father or not! If he was dealing drugs to kids including his own and doing all that other stuff he evidentally was not too worried about his children then so why is he now???

    Plus they come back violent??? NO way I would call CPS and have them investigate it and NEVER let my children go over there again...or if you really do want him to be around them then get court appointed visits with court supervision so nothing goes on that you do not know about. Who knows he might be back to his old self,dealing drugs and driving drunk with your kids in the car...too many risks

  3. I am sure there is more to the story than this, but I will just say that the environment your kids have been is not easy at all, first they have a home with their two parents, but (I'm assuming here) your ex was doing drugs while you two were your kids were around while he was high...that alone is just a huge deal, two got divorce and he goes to I'm sure the drama around your children have been tremendous. They had started to meet their father. Your kids have had to endure a lot of  terrible circumstances...which make them act out.  So instead of blaming someone....why don't you talk to your ex and have EVERYONE (including the ex) going into family therapy, each one of you need to heal all the damage that has been caused mainly for your ex- husband. You need to learn how to forgive...because If you don't do that, it will be impossible that you can focus on the well being of your children.

    Talk to your kids, ask them if they don't feel comfortable with going with the father, ask them why?....and then you can decide what's best for them.

  4. ok Monkey, Im lost to why the kids would go to your ex. to visit.

    But No you can not call CPT on your ex for your kids actions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[being violent]

    I would not let my kids near him, hes not healthy. If you are court ordered  for the kids to see him, then have it supervised, you can request that.

    You can only call CPT on your ex. behavior for endangerment of the kids and that is if there are witnesses to that.

    hope that helps

  5. uhhhm.....why are you letting your children around this man in the first place?

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